I've been thinking about ideas and plots for Namixas fanfictions lately...
I wanna finish Once Upon a Time!
I wanna start The Pig Pianist!
I wanna write lots and lots of one-shots!
Oh well. *shrugs*
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
I hate
I'm a hardcore Namixas fan, thank you very much.
If this isn't a proof of Namixas, I dunno what is.
kingdom hearts,
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
SHF 1415
Yeah. Thanks for everyone who prayed for me. :)
I think I did OK. It went rather smoothly. But I missed several points for my essay. D: Oh well.
I think I did OK. It went rather smoothly. But I missed several points for my essay. D: Oh well.
Monday, December 21, 2009
No drama
Today we did the blood test thingy during biology lab.
Mine is, of course, O-.
No one's an adopted child in our class, haha. Everyone got the result that they expected to get. Sir Mahathir once told us that a student found out his blood type was B, different from that of his parents'. Jeng jeng jeng. Anak siapakah kamu?
So yeah, no drama for us. Fortunately.
But Jah was afraid of the needle-pen thing. Haha. But she did it it the end.
I bled quite a lot of blood. Jah was like, "Sakit tak?" And I said, "Sakit sangat!" And then they asked, "Guna nombor berapa?" and I said, "Lima!" Haha. The pen-thingy was numbered 1-5, as in, the force used for the needle to pierce our thumbs, 1 being the smallest and 5 the largest.
And someone said I was funny a few times. Heh heh.
Yesterday I had to pay twice the usual amount to use the drier because my laundry didn't dry up after one round. (=_______=).
I'm downloading lots of songs now. Across the Universe, Maggie May, Honey, Tell Me, Chocolate Love, Just So You Know, Genie, It's You...
Any more suggestions? My internet connection's working perfectly right now. 8D
I just knew this. Can you see the man in despair?? XD
WOI exam malam esok la! Bace buku!!! D:
Mine is, of course, O-.
No one's an adopted child in our class, haha. Everyone got the result that they expected to get. Sir Mahathir once told us that a student found out his blood type was B, different from that of his parents'. Jeng jeng jeng. Anak siapakah kamu?
So yeah, no drama for us. Fortunately.
But Jah was afraid of the needle-pen thing. Haha. But she did it it the end.
I bled quite a lot of blood. Jah was like, "Sakit tak?" And I said, "Sakit sangat!" And then they asked, "Guna nombor berapa?" and I said, "Lima!" Haha. The pen-thingy was numbered 1-5, as in, the force used for the needle to pierce our thumbs, 1 being the smallest and 5 the largest.
And someone said I was funny a few times. Heh heh.
Yesterday I had to pay twice the usual amount to use the drier because my laundry didn't dry up after one round. (=_______=).
I'm downloading lots of songs now. Across the Universe, Maggie May, Honey, Tell Me, Chocolate Love, Just So You Know, Genie, It's You...
Any more suggestions? My internet connection's working perfectly right now. 8D
I just knew this. Can you see the man in despair?? XD
WOI exam malam esok la! Bace buku!!! D:
blood type,
jessie mccartney,
rod stewart,
the beatles,
wonder girls
Sunday, December 20, 2009
You're READING and WATCHING the WRONG stuff! D:<
Hello. :)
It's been a long day today. We've spent almost the whole day in the frickin' car, weh. (=__=). The whole family slept at Meru yesterday and on Saturday morning, we left for Sabak Bernam to attend one of mak's staff's wedding. The scenery was boring -- just kampung houses and coconut trees and palm trees...and the road was...really straight. Which was boring, too.
After the wedding, we went to Abang Ari's shop because Abah wanted new spectacles. When we arrived, he and Kak Mas were rather busy so we waited a bit. I think Along and I managed to flip through every available reading material in Abang Ari's shop. XD
Ujai seronoklah dapat kaco Abang Ari pasal Mafia Wars... (=__=).
Anyway, after that we went home. Seriously, today felt so long.
Now...back to the title of this entry: I was stalking just now. You know, blogs. Most of the bloggers were teenagers -- 15 to 18 years old. And I stubled upon the words New Moon, not once, but many many many times lah.
If you don't already know, I am not a fan of the Twilight 'Saga'. In fact, I dislike it with a great passion. :)
Actually the concept is already okay -- like, a girl falling in love with a vampire -- but everything else is just K.O.
What do I have against the series? Well, first, Stephenie Meyer (who will be refered to as SMeyer from now on) destroys mythological beings. Like, vampires don't effing sparkle in the sunlight, okay? They BURN in the sunlight. Plus, SMeyer simply didn't do a good enough reaserch before she wrote the series.
IF you're going to say, "This is a fantasy novel! Anything is possible!", well, it's okay, but really -- mythology is a study of myths. People DO study them. You do NOT simply screw up something like that.
If you're still rooting for the fantasy-novel-anything-can-happen rebuttal, well...all I can say is SMeyer doesn't do her research very well. Regarding her sparkling vampires, here's what she has to say:
Those are SMeyer's words -- she's said it herself that her vampires are based on science rather than magic.
The Skin
So Meyer's vampires (who will be refered to as Meyerpires from now on) have "diamond-like" skin that has "prism-like" qualities, yes? And if I'm not mistaken, Edward Cullen could run and jump from tree to tree pretty quickly, yes?
Well...if their skin is made of diamon-like substance (and HARDER, too, she says!), how on earth could Edward Cullen move so fast? Diamonds aren't exactly flexible. They are HARD. Meyerpires shouldn't even be able to move.
Why they shouldn't be able to have a daughter. AT ALL.
Another thing that contradicts SMeyer's "science-based" vampires is Bella and Edward's daughter, Renesme Cullen.
Now. Vampires ARE dead, yes?
Bella DID mention that Edward's body was cold, yes?
Okay. Edward's been a Meyerpire for decades, AND he's a virgin, ZOMG. Now, if unused, the sperm would only survive inside the testes for a few days, let's say between 3-7 days. Outside the body, they survive a few hours. Inside the female, they can survive up to three days.
So...how old is Edward supposed to be in the series again? 107? How could he possibly have a daughter if he's dead? How could he possibly have a daughter if he's been a virgin for 107 years, if the unused sperm could only survive between 3-7 days ONLY? How could his sperm have survived that long?
Additionally, sperms need a specific temperature to survive, around 36 degrees celcius (if I'm not mistaken). So, Edward has been dead for 107 years -- how the freak could his sperm have ever survived if his body's been as cold as a corpse that long?? It's ILLOGICAL!
What science, SMeyer?? What science? You said your vampires are MORE SCIENCE THAN MAGIC -- then WHERE IS THE SCIENCE IN THIS????????
This is why I dislike Twilight. SMeyer is not that good of a writer. Compare this poor excuse for a sparkly vampire and a vampire daughter (whose existence, I think, is just so that SMeyer could make up for the lack of plot in the books...just to take off the readers' minds off the non-existing plot...) to JK Rowling's carefully-planned characters.
Why don't they SEE this??? D:
The second reason why I dislike the series -- yes, I DO have other reasons... I don't just go on saying, "Oh, she can't write! I hate her books already!" -- is because SMeyer sends the wrong messages to the readers. I really would worry if my daughter is a rabid Twilight fan. Here's why:
Why did Bella fall in love with Edward?
An easy question -- which has an easy answer: Because Edward was a handsome guy.
I don't think Bella loved Edward for who he was inside -- she only loved him for who he was outside. I mean, don't tell me after reading the first 300+ pages of Twilight, you've FAILED to notice the frequency of Bella's "ZOMG, Edward is so HOT~!" ?
Obsessing over someone just because of the looks? That's just shallow.
Bella couldn't survive without Edward. 8(
In fact, she even jumped off a freakin' cliff and nearly got herself drowned when Edward left her in New Moon!
What kind of message is SMeyer trying to send to her readers? And need I remind you that Twilight falls under the Young Adult category? Young girls with, you know, unbalanced hormones are reading your books, Meyer, couldn't you at least give them a strong, independent heroine?
Imagine what a young, inexperienced Twilight fan who admires characters from books could do if her boyfriend leaves her:
Fan: "Oh, what do I do? My boyfriend's left me! Oh, I know! Bella went cliff-diving when Edward left her, so I might as well do that too!"
And what? The next day, a thirteen-year-old Twilight fan dies??
Let's compare this to Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter.
Ginny had a major crush on Harry in the second book, and yet she was too shy to approach him. In fact, Hermione later revealed to Harry that Ginny had never quite given up on him, even when Harry and Cho got together.
Did Ginny jump off the Astronomy Tower when she found out Harry fancied Cho?
No, she didn't!
Now, let's compare Bella with Hermione, shall we?
When Ron left Harry and Hermione in book 7, what did Hermione do? She "cried for weeks", according to Harry, but she didn't go and deliberately get herself caught by the Death Eaters or anything, did she?
No, she didn't!
My point is, both Ginny and Hermione carried on with their lives even after their love life had crumbled.
What Bella did wasn't just careless and stupid, but it was also selfish. What if she'd drowned when she jumped off that cliff? How would her parents feel about it? Didn't she think about them at all? Was Edward the only one she was thinking of?
Imagine what would have happened if Ginny had jumped off the Astronomy Tower when Harry and Cho got together -- Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and the rest of the Weasley family would surely be devastated. And imagine what would happen to Harry and Ron's friendship!
Ron: "My one and only sister killed herself because of you!"
Harry: "D'you think I want her to jumjp? She's my friend, too!"
Ron: "I hate you! Avada kedavra!"
Harry: "LOL, I is dead!"
And what would have happened if Hermione had given up and gotten herself killed when Ron left her? Harry wouldn't be able to find the horcruxes and the war would go on until Harry's been killed.
Well, thank goodness Ginny and Hermione were smarter than Bella. I mean, look! Don't these two characters make better role-models than Bella Swan??
Let's go back to our thirteen-year-old heart-broken girl. Let's say she reads Harry Potter instead of Twilight. What would she do if her boyfriend leaves her?
Fan: "Oh, what do I do? My boyfriend's left me! Oh, I know! Ginny didn't give up when Harry got together with Cho, and Hermione didn't give up helping Harry finding the horcruxes when Ron left her -- I should do that, too, and be strong!"
This is just one example of the wrong message SMeyer put in her 'books'. There are a LOT of other bad messages in there (don't get me started...seriously), like
1. Pedophilia (Jacob imprinting on an infant and saying he's destined to fall in love with her)
2. Anti-feminism
3. Abusive relationship (Edward taking out the engine of Bella's truck because he didn't want her to meet her friends...what?)
etc, etc.
I don't just hate it because it's got illogical characters and boring plots and horrible grammar and uselessly long descriptions of how gorgeous Edward is and a Mary Sue for a heroine -- I hate Twilight because of these potentially dangerous messages SMeyer put in the books.
I certainly do NOT want MY children (if I have any) to read this piece of crap disguised as 'literature'. Seriously, for the sake of their young minds, I do not want them to read it.
So people! Why are you guys watching this stuff?? Why are you wasting your money over those books??
Here, Robert Pattison was quoted saying these:
Ha-ha. You're great, RPattz. I like you already. 8)
So...the conclusion is:
*sigh* Such was my attempt to convince people to not read this piece of epic failure. If you love your sanity, your children and the civilisation -- well -- become and anti-Twilighter today. 8)
We can still save the Earth, my friends.
Credits: Azrim's Rebuttals, twilightsucks.com
It's been a long day today. We've spent almost the whole day in the frickin' car, weh. (=__=). The whole family slept at Meru yesterday and on Saturday morning, we left for Sabak Bernam to attend one of mak's staff's wedding. The scenery was boring -- just kampung houses and coconut trees and palm trees...and the road was...really straight. Which was boring, too.
After the wedding, we went to Abang Ari's shop because Abah wanted new spectacles. When we arrived, he and Kak Mas were rather busy so we waited a bit. I think Along and I managed to flip through every available reading material in Abang Ari's shop. XD
Ujai seronoklah dapat kaco Abang Ari pasal Mafia Wars... (=__=).
Anyway, after that we went home. Seriously, today felt so long.
Now...back to the title of this entry: I was stalking just now. You know, blogs. Most of the bloggers were teenagers -- 15 to 18 years old. And I stubled upon the words New Moon, not once, but many many many times lah.
If you don't already know, I am not a fan of the Twilight 'Saga'. In fact, I dislike it with a great passion. :)
Actually the concept is already okay -- like, a girl falling in love with a vampire -- but everything else is just K.O.
What do I have against the series? Well, first, Stephenie Meyer (who will be refered to as SMeyer from now on) destroys mythological beings. Like, vampires don't effing sparkle in the sunlight, okay? They BURN in the sunlight. Plus, SMeyer simply didn't do a good enough reaserch before she wrote the series.
IF you're going to say, "This is a fantasy novel! Anything is possible!", well, it's okay, but really -- mythology is a study of myths. People DO study them. You do NOT simply screw up something like that.
If you're still rooting for the fantasy-novel-anything-can-happen rebuttal, well...all I can say is SMeyer doesn't do her research very well. Regarding her sparkling vampires, here's what she has to say:
“My reasoning was, why should the sun burn them? That seemed like a very mystical kind of thing, and my vampires are more science than magic to me."
"Their skin hardens into a diamond-like substance (only harder). This material has prism-like qualities. The sun does not damage the skin regardless of the reflecting.”
Those are SMeyer's words -- she's said it herself that her vampires are based on science rather than magic.
The Skin
So Meyer's vampires (who will be refered to as Meyerpires from now on) have "diamond-like" skin that has "prism-like" qualities, yes? And if I'm not mistaken, Edward Cullen could run and jump from tree to tree pretty quickly, yes?
Well...if their skin is made of diamon-like substance (and HARDER, too, she says!), how on earth could Edward Cullen move so fast? Diamonds aren't exactly flexible. They are HARD. Meyerpires shouldn't even be able to move.
Why they shouldn't be able to have a daughter. AT ALL.
Another thing that contradicts SMeyer's "science-based" vampires is Bella and Edward's daughter, Renesme Cullen.
Now. Vampires ARE dead, yes?
Bella DID mention that Edward's body was cold, yes?
Okay. Edward's been a Meyerpire for decades, AND he's a virgin, ZOMG. Now, if unused, the sperm would only survive inside the testes for a few days, let's say between 3-7 days. Outside the body, they survive a few hours. Inside the female, they can survive up to three days.
So...how old is Edward supposed to be in the series again? 107? How could he possibly have a daughter if he's dead? How could he possibly have a daughter if he's been a virgin for 107 years, if the unused sperm could only survive between 3-7 days ONLY? How could his sperm have survived that long?
Additionally, sperms need a specific temperature to survive, around 36 degrees celcius (if I'm not mistaken). So, Edward has been dead for 107 years -- how the freak could his sperm have ever survived if his body's been as cold as a corpse that long?? It's ILLOGICAL!
What science, SMeyer?? What science? You said your vampires are MORE SCIENCE THAN MAGIC -- then WHERE IS THE SCIENCE IN THIS????????
This is why I dislike Twilight. SMeyer is not that good of a writer. Compare this poor excuse for a sparkly vampire and a vampire daughter (whose existence, I think, is just so that SMeyer could make up for the lack of plot in the books...just to take off the readers' minds off the non-existing plot...) to JK Rowling's carefully-planned characters.
Why don't they SEE this??? D:
The second reason why I dislike the series -- yes, I DO have other reasons... I don't just go on saying, "Oh, she can't write! I hate her books already!" -- is because SMeyer sends the wrong messages to the readers. I really would worry if my daughter is a rabid Twilight fan. Here's why:
Why did Bella fall in love with Edward?
An easy question -- which has an easy answer: Because Edward was a handsome guy.
I don't think Bella loved Edward for who he was inside -- she only loved him for who he was outside. I mean, don't tell me after reading the first 300+ pages of Twilight, you've FAILED to notice the frequency of Bella's "ZOMG, Edward is so HOT~!" ?
Obsessing over someone just because of the looks? That's just shallow.
Bella couldn't survive without Edward. 8(
In fact, she even jumped off a freakin' cliff and nearly got herself drowned when Edward left her in New Moon!
What kind of message is SMeyer trying to send to her readers? And need I remind you that Twilight falls under the Young Adult category? Young girls with, you know, unbalanced hormones are reading your books, Meyer, couldn't you at least give them a strong, independent heroine?
Imagine what a young, inexperienced Twilight fan who admires characters from books could do if her boyfriend leaves her:
Fan: "Oh, what do I do? My boyfriend's left me! Oh, I know! Bella went cliff-diving when Edward left her, so I might as well do that too!"
And what? The next day, a thirteen-year-old Twilight fan dies??
Let's compare this to Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter.
Ginny had a major crush on Harry in the second book, and yet she was too shy to approach him. In fact, Hermione later revealed to Harry that Ginny had never quite given up on him, even when Harry and Cho got together.
Did Ginny jump off the Astronomy Tower when she found out Harry fancied Cho?
No, she didn't!
Now, let's compare Bella with Hermione, shall we?
When Ron left Harry and Hermione in book 7, what did Hermione do? She "cried for weeks", according to Harry, but she didn't go and deliberately get herself caught by the Death Eaters or anything, did she?
No, she didn't!
My point is, both Ginny and Hermione carried on with their lives even after their love life had crumbled.
What Bella did wasn't just careless and stupid, but it was also selfish. What if she'd drowned when she jumped off that cliff? How would her parents feel about it? Didn't she think about them at all? Was Edward the only one she was thinking of?
Imagine what would have happened if Ginny had jumped off the Astronomy Tower when Harry and Cho got together -- Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and the rest of the Weasley family would surely be devastated. And imagine what would happen to Harry and Ron's friendship!
Ron: "My one and only sister killed herself because of you!"
Harry: "D'you think I want her to jumjp? She's my friend, too!"
Ron: "I hate you! Avada kedavra!"
Harry: "LOL, I is dead!"
And what would have happened if Hermione had given up and gotten herself killed when Ron left her? Harry wouldn't be able to find the horcruxes and the war would go on until Harry's been killed.
Well, thank goodness Ginny and Hermione were smarter than Bella. I mean, look! Don't these two characters make better role-models than Bella Swan??
Let's go back to our thirteen-year-old heart-broken girl. Let's say she reads Harry Potter instead of Twilight. What would she do if her boyfriend leaves her?
Fan: "Oh, what do I do? My boyfriend's left me! Oh, I know! Ginny didn't give up when Harry got together with Cho, and Hermione didn't give up helping Harry finding the horcruxes when Ron left her -- I should do that, too, and be strong!"
This is just one example of the wrong message SMeyer put in her 'books'. There are a LOT of other bad messages in there (don't get me started...seriously), like
1. Pedophilia (Jacob imprinting on an infant and saying he's destined to fall in love with her)
2. Anti-feminism
3. Abusive relationship (Edward taking out the engine of Bella's truck because he didn't want her to meet her friends...what?)
etc, etc.
I don't just hate it because it's got illogical characters and boring plots and horrible grammar and uselessly long descriptions of how gorgeous Edward is and a Mary Sue for a heroine -- I hate Twilight because of these potentially dangerous messages SMeyer put in the books.
I certainly do NOT want MY children (if I have any) to read this piece of crap disguised as 'literature'. Seriously, for the sake of their young minds, I do not want them to read it.
So people! Why are you guys watching this stuff?? Why are you wasting your money over those books??
Here, Robert Pattison was quoted saying these:
“When you read the book,” says Pattinson, … “it’s like, ‘Edward Cullen was so beautiful I creamed myself.’ I mean, every line is liked that. He’s the most ridiculous person who’s so amazing at everything. I think a lot of actors tried to play that aspect. I just couldn’t do that. And the more I read the script, the more I hated this guy, so that’s how I played him, as a manic-depressive who hates himself. Plus, he’s a 108 year-old virgin so he’s obviously got some issues there.”1
"I read the book and was like “Well this is really dumb, I’ll never ever… This is so pointless going up for the role.”2
Ha-ha. You're great, RPattz. I like you already. 8)
So...the conclusion is:
*sigh* Such was my attempt to convince people to not read this piece of epic failure. If you love your sanity, your children and the civilisation -- well -- become and anti-Twilighter today. 8)
We can still save the Earth, my friends.
Credits: Azrim's Rebuttals, twilightsucks.com
anti twilight,
epic fail,
harry potter,
new moon,
stephenie meyer,
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Let's update this blog. :)
Okay, so, I have this biology exam next Tuesday, but the problem is, I don't feel like studying at all.
We went to Kuantan recently. Pictures later, yeah?
I made up this deal with Ujai. If he spends one hour playing mafia Wars or the PS, he has to finish one chapter from a book. He's reading Philosopher's Stone now. 8D
Nananana. I'm going downstairs.
Okay, so, I have this biology exam next Tuesday, but the problem is, I don't feel like studying at all.
We went to Kuantan recently. Pictures later, yeah?
I made up this deal with Ujai. If he spends one hour playing mafia Wars or the PS, he has to finish one chapter from a book. He's reading Philosopher's Stone now. 8D
Nananana. I'm going downstairs.
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