Okay. So I dissected the rat yesterday~!
My hands still smell like Detol right now (well, at least they don't smell like rats, right? XD)
It went well. No one fainted.
We even did things that aren't in the lab manual~
So, as promised (ada orang tu siap desak-mendesak through FormSpring lagi weh), I've got pictures of the dissecting session~
A little warning here, I guess: this entry contains gory images of a dead rat being hacked open in the name of science. So if you are 1) sensitive to blood, 2) an animal lover, or 3) associated with PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), I think it's better if you do not click the links to the images. Your cooperation is appreciated~ (hey, it's for your own good, right? XD)
Here we go!
This is the first picture that I managed to capture. It's after I cut open the first layer (fur/skin) and the second layer (muscles). You can see that this was a male rat (the bulging thing at the bottom is where the, well, testicles are kept). Bunch of cut-up fur+skin at the top left, and the intestines (dah kena tarik2 jadik macam strings). Thoracic cavity still intact.
There you can see the kidney on the right (pointed by the spatula). Macam kidney bean, seh! XD
Now the thoracic cavity has been opened. Can you see the heart? The little lump peeking out tu. The bright red structures are the lungs beneath the heart! (I like the colour of the lungs~ so bright red~~)
A better view of what's within the thoracic cavity. Again, the bright-red structures are the lungs, and the dark-red lump among the bright-red structures is the heart. Mine wasn't beating when I cut open the thoracic cavity, but my neighbour's was. It's not that the rat's still alive, it's just that the involuntary heart muscles were still gradually dying.
The dodol-like things in the middle, yang banyak2 tuh, are lobes of the liver. I counted, there were about six lobes of the liver.
And up near the mouth, you can see a metal-thingy stuck down a structure -- that's the trachea! My rat was so stiff, I couldn't open the mouth to insert the metal-thingy, so my lecturer just cut the trachea down and inserted the metal-thingy there.
I ain't got no pictures of it, but my lecturer stuck down a metal tube attached to an air-filled teat pipette in the trachea, and when you press the teat pipette, the lungs will inflate. KEMBANG~ gitu. XD
Since my lecturer somehow lost the trachea of her rat, she showed my rat in front under the LCD for the whole class to see. *Proud moment -- "That's my rat!" XD Eceh*
Are you categorised in one of the three people I listed earlier? Are you still clicking the images and reading all these descriptions? Well, better stop now, cuz a rather gorier picture is coming.
All righty then~
Still here? =_=ll
Oh well.
This was not in the lab manual, but we did it anyway since we had time. We cut off the head to examine the brain. Yes. So that's my headless rat.
And do you notice the oval structures down below? Those are the testicles, squeezed out of its, well, 'kantung'. And the brown thing on the left tu bukan taik eh. Tu caecum dia.
That's the brain. Again, my lecturer used my rat as a model to show the girls in our class since we didn't know how to hack open the skull. My lecturer did it using the sharp-ended scissors. Senang je dia buat. "Hentam je!" she said. XD
The jernih eyeball. By this time, I kept saying, "This would be Mickey Mouse's worst nightmare!" Kekeke.
Well, that's all the pics I have of the rat, folks! I know, kinda sikit, but meh. It's difficult to take pictures because you're wearing gloves and you don't wanna touch your phone with the gloves, kan? So I had to cover my gloved hands using tissue papers and then use my phone. Susah weh I tell you.
Okay, did you enjoy it? XD
Bonus pictures!
Sape ni? Teka, teka!
Lab assistant?
Yang ni pulak sape?
Dissecting rats: owari!