Ahmad Park Jaebeom (APJ) a.k.a. Hope

He was an abandoned newborn kitten Abah found last Sunday night (he accidentally kicked it because it was dark and APJ/Hope was too small. Seriously, very small -- tali pusat pun still attached, mata pun tak bukak lagi, rupa pun mcm an overgrown tikus. XD
At first we just left him there, in case the mother returned. But the next day, APJ/Hope was still there, so either Mak or Abah placed it inside a shoe box. We still waited for the mother to come, but it didn't.
So Abah left a piring of susu in the box. Monday night (kot) I went to check on him because he kept on "mew-mew-mew"-ing, cute gile aaaaaaaaaaah. He was soaking wet in the piring that Abah left earlier. Golek2, stuggle2, meow2 in the piring alone! Kesian btol.
So I took one tissue box and cut off the top , placed a lot of tissue papers inside and transferred him there. The tissue papers melekat kat dia cuz he was wet/sticky, and that kinda cleaned him a bit. Then I placed a handkerchief in the box and that was his new home.
Abah and Ujai went to tarawih so I was alone at home (Mak kat UPM), so layan je lah APJ/Hope. Wiped off all the slimy thingies and I tried to cover him with some tissues, but he struggled a lot. Last2 my hand was the best blankie. He stopped stuggling and meowing and I think he fell asleep for a while.
The next day (Tuesday), Mak was going to buy the special milk for APJ/Hope to drink, but then Abah suggested that we go to the vet instead, so we went there. The receptionist asked for a vet (who was passing by) to take a look at APJ/Hope.
She was, like, "Kecik nya! Bila jumpa?" And I told her when, then she asked, "Kasi makan apa?" and I said nothing because we dunno what to feed him, and the vet gave me a stare and said (sarcastically?) "Wah, amazing boleh hidup lagi."
La, are you gonna blame us for not feeding it?? So I told mak, "Vet tadi macam marah je bila Angah gi tau kita tak kasi dia makan apa2..."
Well, if APJ/Hope was our kitten, then the vet had the right to scold us for not taking care of it -- but fyi, our house is like Wad Bersalin Kucing okay. Okay, maybe not exactly Wad Bersalin (maybe Tempat Pelarian/Berak/Dumping Site Anak Kucing, more like). We found APJ/Hope, and we really didn't know what to feed it because it's a friggin' newborn kitten with the tali pusat and everything and it just happened to have a coward for a mother!
tl;dr -- Not our fault.
Tunggu lama jugak, but then it was our turn.
The abang and kakak working there were like, "Alahai, keciknye... Ni timbang pun tak gerak jarum!"
Then the vet (a Chinese guy) came and examined APJ/Hope. He was nicer. He told us that we could take care of it, it needed the special milk, we would have to feed it every two hours, and then we would have to wipe its butt using some wet cotton to stimulate it to go shee-shee or poo-poo (if the mother didn't abandon him, it would be her job to lick him and stuff).
He also told us that even though APJ/Hope seemed healthy, without its mother, chances are he'd die anyway. If we don't take care of it properly, he'd have seizures and that would damage his brain.
So the kakak there filled two rubber gloves with warm water and placed it under the tissue papers in the box to keep APJ/Hope warm. Mak payed RM30, and then we went to a shop dekat2 UPM to buy the milk and the small bottle. Then singgah office Abah to feed it. At this point, APJ/Hope dah tak banyak berbunyik and mcm lemah je.
Then we went back hope. In the car, I thought APJ/Hope had died because his tummy tak turun-naik, like he wasn't breathing or something. But affter a lo~~~ng pause, dia tarik nafas. And then he went still for quite some time. Then he'd inhale.
When we arrived home, I observed the tummy, but it wasn't turun-naik anymore. Still aje. So I lifted APJ/Hope up, and he was stiff.
He died on the way back home. :'(
So Abah took the cangkul and we buried APJ/Hope under the pokok jambu kat depan rumah. I had the chance to visit Junsu and Joongie's graves (Joongie's grave ada tanda, I placed one of the smooth black rocks to mark it, and I also saw the plastic rose). While waiting for Abah to dig the hole, I sniffed APJ/Hope's body.
He smelled like milk. Macam baby. :)
He was a baby. :) A cute one.
Then I noticed that one of his front paws was purple while the other was pink. :( Kenapa yek kaler purple? Hmm...
When Abah had dug the hole deep enough, I placed a tissue paper in it first before placing APJ/Hope into it. Then I covered him with another layer of tissue and Abah began to timbus it with the tanah. When all was done, I placed the plastic rose on his grave...
It's a shame he died. Mak and Abah were going to keep him if he had survived.
Oh well.
About the name:
I named it Park Jaebeom at first, then Mak said, "Mana boleh! Nak nama Islam la."
So I added "Ahmad" kat depan. 8)
But then Mak said his name would be "Hope". It was the name Mak wrote on his vet card, anyway.