It's not easy, I tell you. Even if I had no internet connection, I still had the laptop. I watched Snow White on Sunday night. So, to prevent myself from watching more CD's, I gave Fatin my laptop and asked her to keep it away from me.
So what did I do when I was bored? I read my new book, The Graveyard Book. It's an OK book. I love the characters. And believe it or not, I actually support Bod/Eliza instead of the more realistic Bod/Scarlett pairing. Hahah.
Once I've finished the book, stuff became extremely boring for me. I had no way of entertaining myself. But yeah, I guess I made it through the week. Mak says I should try for another week without th internet connection. I'll do it, but I shall need a new/unread book to bring back to college so that I can at least have something to do when I'm bored.
I got my laundry basket back. 8D
Someone who took it had placed it back on the drier exactly where I left it before it went missing. Perhaps she took it by mistake, because yesterday when I did my laundry, there was another basket similar to mine -- red, and boleh lipat-lipat -- but it was obviously older than mine.
I think the owner of that basket had taken my basket by mistake.
Disney question!
Are the dwarfs, Sleepy and Bashful twins? They do look alike, you know.
UIA spot-check. OMG, guys.
So far, my room hasn't been raided (yet...), but the tales I've heard from those who have had their room raided -- ish, I tell you.
Here's an entry I wrote earlier on Thursday:
21/1/20109.21amFellows are thick on the ground, handing out summons and raiding rooms. Apparently this week is the "Ops Kemas" week -- which means if you don't have your socks on, you'd probably be RM50 poorer if ever a fellow catches you. I don't know what the guys have to go through (probably just the length of hair and displaying your matric card), but us girls -- they'll check your tudung, kain dalam, serkup, socks, and matric card.I guess some students feel as if their privacy has been violated, because check this out: the fellows also go for your wallet, your phone (inbox+gallery), your laptop, your wardrobe, your makeup things, your perfume, and your teddy bear.Sebijik macam skolah weh. Or perhaps worse!They say the raids happened around 1-2am. Even if you don't open the door, they have the keys. They'd check your wardrobe and they'd confiscate stuff like jeans, selendang and shorts. A classmate of mine said that they even confiscated her teddy bear. The motive? She wasn't so sure. There is nothing on teddy bears in the rule book. I've checked.I had my maths class just now. When I was about to head back to my room, I noticed something on the wall outside the classroom:"Fellow dan pak guard takde hak nak check handphone (inbox+gallery), laptop dan wallet students. Kami mau privacy kami! Ingat UIA ni bapak korang punya ke??"And someone else had scribbled, "Kalau tak bersalah watpe nak takut!"I later learnt that this notice was also distributed to SMAWP, and that some second-year students have protested against the spot-check by not attending their morning classes. (In my opinion, that's a silly way to protest -- korang gak rugi kalau tak pegi kelas... =__= )I am therefore thankful for one thing: that Bee isn't a stuffed toy! LOL
I just knew that for some unknown reasons, every Health and Medical Science students will have to extend their studies here in CFS for two years, except for the pharmacy students.
There you go, the Inconsistent CFS IIUM.
I also learnt that I have to take English For Academic Purposes here in CFS, after all!
Sultan Johor meninggal smalam eh?