Is this really a blog post?
Why yes, it is! xD
So after many months of not updating this blog, I am finally writing something again!
And is it bad that I'm writing about something that's bothering me? Because I do that a lot, don't I? (...The previous post was about how Twilight bothered me, so... =..=ll I swear this isn't a hate blog or anything...)
So yes! This is an update, and this time, I'm going to talk about a television show.
Now just to let you know, I'm not much of a TV-watching person - I normally surf the net (like everyone else my age). But the other night I was watching TV, and I was watching Invite Mr. Wright.
Basically it's a show where Ian Wright, dubbed as "the most travelled man on the planet" on the show's website, travels to various places on earth. Wherever he goes, he gets a guide and stays with the locals.
I've only watched several episodes of this show, so I'm not really following it. The other day I watched one episode where he was in Indonesia. And just a few nights ago, I watched an episode where he went to Kota Bharu, Malaysia.
I was intrigued to see what he thought of the place and stuff. As usual, he had a guide with him, a Chinese woman that I didn't know. But I did some googling just before I started this post, and found out that she is Joanne Kam Po Po. (I...still have no idea who she is. Really. Who is she? The name doesn't ring any bell. Sorry. :/ )

So anyway, after meeting Pak Yusuf, who makes wayang kulit thingies, Ian and Joanne retreated to Pak Yusuf's house, I think. It was during Ramadhan, meaning the whole family was fasting.
Once it was time for them to break the fast, Ian asked Joanne whether you could brush your teeth if you were fasting, and she said something along the lines of:
"No, you can't brush your teeth. You're not even supposed to swallow your own spit."
And this is where I derived the title of this blog post. Immediately after she said that, I thought, "Wtf is this woman talking about? And exactly who told you that?"
I mean, I think I wouldn't be bothered if she'd said it, like, "I think you can't brush your teeth" or, "I heard you can't brush your teeth if you're fasting, I'm not sure though, why don't we ask Pak Yusuf?" - but instead, she said, "No you can't, and you can't swallow your spit either if you're fasting" with such confidence that I just had to go "WTF lady srsly."
And get this -- Ian seemed to believe her.
Double WTF moment!
I mean, here's the thing. She is not a Muslim - that's the main reason it bothered me. And after googling her name, I found out that she's a kind of singer or something? Not a scholar or a teacher or anyone who is in the position to give off explanations - wrong ones, too, might I add! - to Ian, who is known for being in numerous documentary shows.
Being a documentary show means that there are many viewers who would watch and think that this is the truth about Muslims and the month of Ramadhan (because, let's face it, people tend to think that whatever's on TV is the absolute truth), when in fact it's not. When in fact its just a lady giving off wrong explanations - because she isn't a Muslim, nor is she an expert in Islam.
After hearing her say that, I just switched off the TV and stalked off to my room.
Then I thought about it.
I have watched Invite Mr. Wright before, and I've believed everything the host and whatever guide he had with him in that episode had said without even stopping to think whether the facts that they've dished out were true or not. Chances are there have been many other wrong explanations given out about places or religions or people in Invite Mr. Wright. I just didn't know about it.
Well, this time around, it's an episode about Malaysia, and it's also about my religion, so I know for sure that what Joanne said is wrong.
For your information, Yes, you can swallow your own spit. I mean, how silly would it be if we're not allowed to do that? You don't see us spitting everywhere every now and then during Ramadhan, do you?
Also, Yes, we can, in fact, brush our teeth during Ramadhan. It is common knowledge that the Prophet (PBUH) had been seen brushing his teeth using the siwak (brushing stick) during Ramadhan.
We can also brush our teeth using toothpaste, given that we do not swallow it (of course we don't, who does?). While some scholars have deemed it as 'makruh' (disliked/discouraged action) to brush your teeth this way while fasting, it is not haram, and it does not invalidate your fast.
So there. I got that off my chest. I feel better now. :)
But seriously though... This is supposed to be a travel/discovery show. If you want to talk about places and people and religion, make sure you do it right.
I understand that it might just be an honest mistake on Joanne's part, that she really thought that we can't do all those things, but really? Really? You are eating while one whole Muslim family, why not ask them about it? Even if Joanne did come off as very confident with her answer, Ian shouldn't have believed her just like that.
He could've asked, "Who told you that?"
He could've asked, "How do you know they can't brush their teeth or swallow their spit? You're not a Muslim, so how do you know?"
Or, he could've asked those, I dunno, 10+ people eating around him who ARE Muslims and who KNOW for SURE whether or not they could brush their teeth or swallow their spit during Ramadhan.
I mean, it's their religion, man.
Their explanation should, I think, be more valid than Joanne Kam Po Po's (who is a singer, and isn't a Muslim).
The end.
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