Monday, November 30, 2009

Edward Cullen VS John Seward

And I'm telling you now, John Seward wins, hands down.

Guess what? I don't think Bram Stoker wrote any descriptions of Dr. Seward's appearance. At all. And yet, I already like him so much. He is the administrator of an insane asylum not far from Count Dracula's first English home, Carfax Abbey. His old professor is Abraham Van Helsing.

In Dracula, a character named Lucy Westenra was proposed by three men on the same day: Arthur Holmwood, Quincey Morris, and our dashing doctor, John Seward. Lucy accepted Arthur's proposal, but remained friends with her other two suitors.

What made me love Dr. Seward is the way he sacrificed himself for Lucy when the latter fell ill. It's just so tragic and sweet, ya know? Simple, plain fluff~

So Stephenie Meyer dear, obviously you tried too hard. You know how things get awful when you try too hard, don't you? Your oh-so-handsome God-like sparkling Eddiekins is nothing compared to our asylum administrator. 8)

I guess you do suck at writing a love story. My gosh, Dracula isn't even focused on romantic relationships between its characters! It's a horror story, and yet it's got more romance in it...

You DO suck, Stephenie Meyer. Tsk tsk.

Okay, back to my book!! XD

Sunday, November 29, 2009


I ish got internet connectionsss!! XD

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Just look at how dead Yunho's eyes were. Just look at how dead Jae's eyes were. Look at Changmin in the end -- he looked as if he's scared of standing close to Jae.

OH NO. :(Is this the end?

But there might still be hope for them, I guess... Their 29th single, Break Out!, is set to be released on the 27th of January 2010.

DBSK, known as Tohoshinki in Japan, have set further activites in Japan as a group for the first time since their last performance at a-nation even with the still ongoing law dispute.

Good news for DBSK fans! Although their group activities have been stopped in Korea, activities in Japan as Tohoshinki will resume as planned. DBSK appeared on Nihon TV's end of the year awards ceremony Best Hit Festival 2009 on the 26th as they were nominated for the Gold Artist Award along with popular Japanese singers such as EXILE and Koda Kumi. The group is also planned to appear on Fuji TV's FNS Kayousai 2009 on December 2nd and have been changing their schedule around to make room for their second appearance on NHK's Kohaku Uta Gassuen, one of Japan's largest end of the year music ceremonies, as well as other end of the year programs.

This will be the first time since their performance at a-nation at the end of the August that they'll be taking on activities. Bigeast, their Japanese fan club, were just as worried as Cassiopeia about DBSK's future as the Japanese media had reported about the dispute as well. Due to request, NHK broadcast a rerun of a Music Japan episode that the group participated in. Ishihara, producer of Music Japan as well as Kohaku blogged, "I know many of you DBSK fans out there must feel insecure in many ways these days. I really hope this rerun makes you happy and we hope to be able to make a second DBSK special in the near future."

Avex, DBSK's Japanese company, also re-confirmed their stance of fully supporting the group and their activities in Japan. Along with TV appearances, their 29th single, BREAK OUT!, is set to release on the 27th of January next year. Fan meetings are also set to occur during the month of January in Kobe, Sendai, and Yokohama.

taken from


Hoping for the best right now...

Other k-pop news: Taemin of SHINee pulak kena H1N1. (=__=) Jonghyun was the one who had it before this. Well, hope you recover soon, kiddo.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Biology class

There's a cheeky dude at the back of biology class. Since us girls always sit in front, the guys were forced to sit at the back. But yeah, there's this one guy. Kalau menjawab, memang cheeky. I don't know which one of those guys yang menjawab, but really... He's always answering things that didn't need answers, and always in a not-so-loud but loud enough voice.

Situation 1:

Sir (regarding biology report): "Sir nak you all stapler siap-siap all the kertas, tapi jgn stapler kat atas je, buat mcm buku. Staple the side, jadi booklet."

Cheeky guy: "Sir, nak bind skali?"

Situation 2:

Sir (telling us about himself as a student): "Sir dulu was the only guy who sat in front among the girls. Tak payah malu2, nak malu ape, kan?"

Cheeky guy (to the other guys): "Eh, jom dok depan!"

Situation 3:

Sir (telling a joke): "Sir dlu skolah kampung -- semua menda join skali, lembu pun ada."

Cheeky guy: "Moo!"


Sir Mahathir's jokes were funny as hell -- another thing to share, I guess.

Regarding YouTube:

Sir: "I always search for things like amoeba or contractile vacuoles to watch on YouTube. Bila anak Sir mai, dia tanya, 'Pak, apa tuh??', Sir jawab, 'Paramecium...!'. Dia tanya lagi, 'Apa tu pak??'. Sir jawab... 'Paramecium! Dia boleh kalahkan...Naruto!' "

Regarding Lysosome:

Sir: "So the function of lysosome in a cell is to digest food particles or dead organelles."

Sir: *draws a circle with chlamydomonas inside a cel* *draws another circle near it, the lysosome*

Sir: "Apa si chlamydomonas ni buat bila dia nampak lysosome dah mai dekat dia? Nak mati dah ni."

Class: "Dia mengucap!"

Sir: "Aah, betul. Dia mengucap. Lain? Dia buat apa lagi?"

Class: *doesn't know the answer*

Sir: "...Dia campak handphone dia keluar, kasi selamat daripada lysosome."

*draws handphone being thrown out of cell*


Like seriously, WTH campak handphone keluar?? XD

Haha, yeah.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

1) The Adventures of Pip and Na
2) The Letters Under the Pillow
3) The Socks


I dislike Christopher Chant as an adult. He's arrogant.


It has been a long week. Blargh. Tak abis lagi pon, still got tomorrow one.


I'm having the room all to myself today and tomorrow. Nananananana~~~~~!!


Kinokuniya best best. 8D


Sir Mahathir = FTW. A seriously great and funny lecturer.


I ate mihun sup just now for lunch. BOOYAH! Last night's craving for something soupy has been fulfilled.


I dreamt about the handsomest schoolmate I have ever had for two nights in a row. Hahaha apekebendenye nih weiii. XD


OK I think I'll go back to my room now. But I dunno what I want to do after that. Tido je la.

P/S: Malam tadi tak makan ubat. Lupa.