1) The Adventures of Pip and Na
2) The Letters Under the Pillow
3) The Socks
I dislike Christopher Chant as an adult. He's arrogant.
It has been a long week. Blargh. Tak abis lagi pon, still got tomorrow one.
I'm having the room all to myself today and tomorrow. Nananananana~~~~~!!
Kinokuniya best best. 8D
Sir Mahathir = FTW. A seriously great and funny lecturer.
I ate mihun sup just now for lunch. BOOYAH! Last night's craving for something soupy has been fulfilled.
I dreamt about the handsomest schoolmate I have ever had for two nights in a row. Hahaha apekebendenye nih weiii. XD
OK I think I'll go back to my room now. But I dunno what I want to do after that. Tido je la.
P/S: Malam tadi tak makan ubat. Lupa.
Oooo, tak makan ubat ye... mana elok...