I've been thinking about ideas and plots for Namixas fanfictions lately...
I wanna finish Once Upon a Time!
I wanna start The Pig Pianist!
I wanna write lots and lots of one-shots!
Oh well. *shrugs*
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
I hate

I'm a hardcore Namixas fan, thank you very much.
If this isn't a proof of Namixas, I dunno what is.
kingdom hearts,
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
SHF 1415
Yeah. Thanks for everyone who prayed for me. :)
I think I did OK. It went rather smoothly. But I missed several points for my essay. D: Oh well.
I think I did OK. It went rather smoothly. But I missed several points for my essay. D: Oh well.
Monday, December 21, 2009
No drama
Today we did the blood test thingy during biology lab.
Mine is, of course, O-.
No one's an adopted child in our class, haha. Everyone got the result that they expected to get. Sir Mahathir once told us that a student found out his blood type was B, different from that of his parents'. Jeng jeng jeng. Anak siapakah kamu?
So yeah, no drama for us. Fortunately.
But Jah was afraid of the needle-pen thing. Haha. But she did it it the end.
I bled quite a lot of blood. Jah was like, "Sakit tak?" And I said, "Sakit sangat!" And then they asked, "Guna nombor berapa?" and I said, "Lima!" Haha. The pen-thingy was numbered 1-5, as in, the force used for the needle to pierce our thumbs, 1 being the smallest and 5 the largest.
And someone said I was funny a few times. Heh heh.
Yesterday I had to pay twice the usual amount to use the drier because my laundry didn't dry up after one round. (=_______=).
I'm downloading lots of songs now. Across the Universe, Maggie May, Honey, Tell Me, Chocolate Love, Just So You Know, Genie, It's You...
Any more suggestions? My internet connection's working perfectly right now. 8D
I just knew this. Can you see the man in despair?? XD
WOI exam malam esok la! Bace buku!!! D:
Mine is, of course, O-.
No one's an adopted child in our class, haha. Everyone got the result that they expected to get. Sir Mahathir once told us that a student found out his blood type was B, different from that of his parents'. Jeng jeng jeng. Anak siapakah kamu?
So yeah, no drama for us. Fortunately.
But Jah was afraid of the needle-pen thing. Haha. But she did it it the end.
I bled quite a lot of blood. Jah was like, "Sakit tak?" And I said, "Sakit sangat!" And then they asked, "Guna nombor berapa?" and I said, "Lima!" Haha. The pen-thingy was numbered 1-5, as in, the force used for the needle to pierce our thumbs, 1 being the smallest and 5 the largest.
And someone said I was funny a few times. Heh heh.
Yesterday I had to pay twice the usual amount to use the drier because my laundry didn't dry up after one round. (=_______=).
I'm downloading lots of songs now. Across the Universe, Maggie May, Honey, Tell Me, Chocolate Love, Just So You Know, Genie, It's You...
Any more suggestions? My internet connection's working perfectly right now. 8D
I just knew this. Can you see the man in despair?? XD
WOI exam malam esok la! Bace buku!!! D:
blood type,
jessie mccartney,
rod stewart,
the beatles,
wonder girls
Sunday, December 20, 2009
You're READING and WATCHING the WRONG stuff! D:<
Hello. :)
It's been a long day today. We've spent almost the whole day in the frickin' car, weh. (=__=). The whole family slept at Meru yesterday and on Saturday morning, we left for Sabak Bernam to attend one of mak's staff's wedding. The scenery was boring -- just kampung houses and coconut trees and palm trees...and the road was...really straight. Which was boring, too.
After the wedding, we went to Abang Ari's shop because Abah wanted new spectacles. When we arrived, he and Kak Mas were rather busy so we waited a bit. I think Along and I managed to flip through every available reading material in Abang Ari's shop. XD
Ujai seronoklah dapat kaco Abang Ari pasal Mafia Wars... (=__=).
Anyway, after that we went home. Seriously, today felt so long.
Now...back to the title of this entry: I was stalking just now. You know, blogs. Most of the bloggers were teenagers -- 15 to 18 years old. And I stubled upon the words New Moon, not once, but many many many times lah.
If you don't already know, I am not a fan of the Twilight 'Saga'. In fact, I dislike it with a great passion. :)
Actually the concept is already okay -- like, a girl falling in love with a vampire -- but everything else is just K.O.
What do I have against the series? Well, first, Stephenie Meyer (who will be refered to as SMeyer from now on) destroys mythological beings. Like, vampires don't effing sparkle in the sunlight, okay? They BURN in the sunlight. Plus, SMeyer simply didn't do a good enough reaserch before she wrote the series.
IF you're going to say, "This is a fantasy novel! Anything is possible!", well, it's okay, but really -- mythology is a study of myths. People DO study them. You do NOT simply screw up something like that.
If you're still rooting for the fantasy-novel-anything-can-happen rebuttal, well...all I can say is SMeyer doesn't do her research very well. Regarding her sparkling vampires, here's what she has to say:
Those are SMeyer's words -- she's said it herself that her vampires are based on science rather than magic.
The Skin
So Meyer's vampires (who will be refered to as Meyerpires from now on) have "diamond-like" skin that has "prism-like" qualities, yes? And if I'm not mistaken, Edward Cullen could run and jump from tree to tree pretty quickly, yes?
Well...if their skin is made of diamon-like substance (and HARDER, too, she says!), how on earth could Edward Cullen move so fast? Diamonds aren't exactly flexible. They are HARD. Meyerpires shouldn't even be able to move.
Why they shouldn't be able to have a daughter. AT ALL.
Another thing that contradicts SMeyer's "science-based" vampires is Bella and Edward's daughter, Renesme Cullen.
Now. Vampires ARE dead, yes?
Bella DID mention that Edward's body was cold, yes?
Okay. Edward's been a Meyerpire for decades, AND he's a virgin, ZOMG. Now, if unused, the sperm would only survive inside the testes for a few days, let's say between 3-7 days. Outside the body, they survive a few hours. Inside the female, they can survive up to three days.
So...how old is Edward supposed to be in the series again? 107? How could he possibly have a daughter if he's dead? How could he possibly have a daughter if he's been a virgin for 107 years, if the unused sperm could only survive between 3-7 days ONLY? How could his sperm have survived that long?
Additionally, sperms need a specific temperature to survive, around 36 degrees celcius (if I'm not mistaken). So, Edward has been dead for 107 years -- how the freak could his sperm have ever survived if his body's been as cold as a corpse that long?? It's ILLOGICAL!
What science, SMeyer?? What science? You said your vampires are MORE SCIENCE THAN MAGIC -- then WHERE IS THE SCIENCE IN THIS????????

This is why I dislike Twilight. SMeyer is not that good of a writer. Compare this poor excuse for a sparkly vampire and a vampire daughter (whose existence, I think, is just so that SMeyer could make up for the lack of plot in the books...just to take off the readers' minds off the non-existing plot...) to JK Rowling's carefully-planned characters.
Why don't they SEE this??? D:
The second reason why I dislike the series -- yes, I DO have other reasons... I don't just go on saying, "Oh, she can't write! I hate her books already!" -- is because SMeyer sends the wrong messages to the readers. I really would worry if my daughter is a rabid Twilight fan. Here's why:
Why did Bella fall in love with Edward?
An easy question -- which has an easy answer: Because Edward was a handsome guy.
I don't think Bella loved Edward for who he was inside -- she only loved him for who he was outside. I mean, don't tell me after reading the first 300+ pages of Twilight, you've FAILED to notice the frequency of Bella's "ZOMG, Edward is so HOT~!" ?
Obsessing over someone just because of the looks? That's just shallow.
Bella couldn't survive without Edward. 8(
In fact, she even jumped off a freakin' cliff and nearly got herself drowned when Edward left her in New Moon!
What kind of message is SMeyer trying to send to her readers? And need I remind you that Twilight falls under the Young Adult category? Young girls with, you know, unbalanced hormones are reading your books, Meyer, couldn't you at least give them a strong, independent heroine?
Imagine what a young, inexperienced Twilight fan who admires characters from books could do if her boyfriend leaves her:
Fan: "Oh, what do I do? My boyfriend's left me! Oh, I know! Bella went cliff-diving when Edward left her, so I might as well do that too!"
And what? The next day, a thirteen-year-old Twilight fan dies??
Let's compare this to Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter.
Ginny had a major crush on Harry in the second book, and yet she was too shy to approach him. In fact, Hermione later revealed to Harry that Ginny had never quite given up on him, even when Harry and Cho got together.
Did Ginny jump off the Astronomy Tower when she found out Harry fancied Cho?
No, she didn't!
Now, let's compare Bella with Hermione, shall we?
When Ron left Harry and Hermione in book 7, what did Hermione do? She "cried for weeks", according to Harry, but she didn't go and deliberately get herself caught by the Death Eaters or anything, did she?
No, she didn't!
My point is, both Ginny and Hermione carried on with their lives even after their love life had crumbled.
What Bella did wasn't just careless and stupid, but it was also selfish. What if she'd drowned when she jumped off that cliff? How would her parents feel about it? Didn't she think about them at all? Was Edward the only one she was thinking of?
Imagine what would have happened if Ginny had jumped off the Astronomy Tower when Harry and Cho got together -- Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and the rest of the Weasley family would surely be devastated. And imagine what would happen to Harry and Ron's friendship!
Ron: "My one and only sister killed herself because of you!"
Harry: "D'you think I want her to jumjp? She's my friend, too!"
Ron: "I hate you! Avada kedavra!"
Harry: "LOL, I is dead!"
And what would have happened if Hermione had given up and gotten herself killed when Ron left her? Harry wouldn't be able to find the horcruxes and the war would go on until Harry's been killed.
Well, thank goodness Ginny and Hermione were smarter than Bella. I mean, look! Don't these two characters make better role-models than Bella Swan??
Let's go back to our thirteen-year-old heart-broken girl. Let's say she reads Harry Potter instead of Twilight. What would she do if her boyfriend leaves her?
Fan: "Oh, what do I do? My boyfriend's left me! Oh, I know! Ginny didn't give up when Harry got together with Cho, and Hermione didn't give up helping Harry finding the horcruxes when Ron left her -- I should do that, too, and be strong!"
This is just one example of the wrong message SMeyer put in her 'books'. There are a LOT of other bad messages in there (don't get me started...seriously), like
1. Pedophilia (Jacob imprinting on an infant and saying he's destined to fall in love with her)
2. Anti-feminism
3. Abusive relationship (Edward taking out the engine of Bella's truck because he didn't want her to meet her friends...what?)
etc, etc.
I don't just hate it because it's got illogical characters and boring plots and horrible grammar and uselessly long descriptions of how gorgeous Edward is and a Mary Sue for a heroine -- I hate Twilight because of these potentially dangerous messages SMeyer put in the books.
I certainly do NOT want MY children (if I have any) to read this piece of crap disguised as 'literature'. Seriously, for the sake of their young minds, I do not want them to read it.
So people! Why are you guys watching this stuff?? Why are you wasting your money over those books??
Here, Robert Pattison was quoted saying these:
Ha-ha. You're great, RPattz. I like you already. 8)
So...the conclusion is:

*sigh* Such was my attempt to convince people to not read this piece of epic failure. If you love your sanity, your children and the civilisation -- well -- become and anti-Twilighter today. 8)
We can still save the Earth, my friends.
Credits: Azrim's Rebuttals, twilightsucks.com
It's been a long day today. We've spent almost the whole day in the frickin' car, weh. (=__=). The whole family slept at Meru yesterday and on Saturday morning, we left for Sabak Bernam to attend one of mak's staff's wedding. The scenery was boring -- just kampung houses and coconut trees and palm trees...and the road was...really straight. Which was boring, too.
After the wedding, we went to Abang Ari's shop because Abah wanted new spectacles. When we arrived, he and Kak Mas were rather busy so we waited a bit. I think Along and I managed to flip through every available reading material in Abang Ari's shop. XD
Ujai seronoklah dapat kaco Abang Ari pasal Mafia Wars... (=__=).
Anyway, after that we went home. Seriously, today felt so long.
Now...back to the title of this entry: I was stalking just now. You know, blogs. Most of the bloggers were teenagers -- 15 to 18 years old. And I stubled upon the words New Moon, not once, but many many many times lah.
If you don't already know, I am not a fan of the Twilight 'Saga'. In fact, I dislike it with a great passion. :)
Actually the concept is already okay -- like, a girl falling in love with a vampire -- but everything else is just K.O.
What do I have against the series? Well, first, Stephenie Meyer (who will be refered to as SMeyer from now on) destroys mythological beings. Like, vampires don't effing sparkle in the sunlight, okay? They BURN in the sunlight. Plus, SMeyer simply didn't do a good enough reaserch before she wrote the series.
IF you're going to say, "This is a fantasy novel! Anything is possible!", well, it's okay, but really -- mythology is a study of myths. People DO study them. You do NOT simply screw up something like that.
If you're still rooting for the fantasy-novel-anything-can-happen rebuttal, well...all I can say is SMeyer doesn't do her research very well. Regarding her sparkling vampires, here's what she has to say:
“My reasoning was, why should the sun burn them? That seemed like a very mystical kind of thing, and my vampires are more science than magic to me."
"Their skin hardens into a diamond-like substance (only harder). This material has prism-like qualities. The sun does not damage the skin regardless of the reflecting.”
Those are SMeyer's words -- she's said it herself that her vampires are based on science rather than magic.
The Skin
So Meyer's vampires (who will be refered to as Meyerpires from now on) have "diamond-like" skin that has "prism-like" qualities, yes? And if I'm not mistaken, Edward Cullen could run and jump from tree to tree pretty quickly, yes?
Well...if their skin is made of diamon-like substance (and HARDER, too, she says!), how on earth could Edward Cullen move so fast? Diamonds aren't exactly flexible. They are HARD. Meyerpires shouldn't even be able to move.
Why they shouldn't be able to have a daughter. AT ALL.
Another thing that contradicts SMeyer's "science-based" vampires is Bella and Edward's daughter, Renesme Cullen.
Now. Vampires ARE dead, yes?
Bella DID mention that Edward's body was cold, yes?
Okay. Edward's been a Meyerpire for decades, AND he's a virgin, ZOMG. Now, if unused, the sperm would only survive inside the testes for a few days, let's say between 3-7 days. Outside the body, they survive a few hours. Inside the female, they can survive up to three days.
So...how old is Edward supposed to be in the series again? 107? How could he possibly have a daughter if he's dead? How could he possibly have a daughter if he's been a virgin for 107 years, if the unused sperm could only survive between 3-7 days ONLY? How could his sperm have survived that long?
Additionally, sperms need a specific temperature to survive, around 36 degrees celcius (if I'm not mistaken). So, Edward has been dead for 107 years -- how the freak could his sperm have ever survived if his body's been as cold as a corpse that long?? It's ILLOGICAL!
What science, SMeyer?? What science? You said your vampires are MORE SCIENCE THAN MAGIC -- then WHERE IS THE SCIENCE IN THIS????????

This is why I dislike Twilight. SMeyer is not that good of a writer. Compare this poor excuse for a sparkly vampire and a vampire daughter (whose existence, I think, is just so that SMeyer could make up for the lack of plot in the books...just to take off the readers' minds off the non-existing plot...) to JK Rowling's carefully-planned characters.
Why don't they SEE this??? D:
The second reason why I dislike the series -- yes, I DO have other reasons... I don't just go on saying, "Oh, she can't write! I hate her books already!" -- is because SMeyer sends the wrong messages to the readers. I really would worry if my daughter is a rabid Twilight fan. Here's why:
Why did Bella fall in love with Edward?
An easy question -- which has an easy answer: Because Edward was a handsome guy.
I don't think Bella loved Edward for who he was inside -- she only loved him for who he was outside. I mean, don't tell me after reading the first 300+ pages of Twilight, you've FAILED to notice the frequency of Bella's "ZOMG, Edward is so HOT~!" ?
Obsessing over someone just because of the looks? That's just shallow.
Bella couldn't survive without Edward. 8(
In fact, she even jumped off a freakin' cliff and nearly got herself drowned when Edward left her in New Moon!
What kind of message is SMeyer trying to send to her readers? And need I remind you that Twilight falls under the Young Adult category? Young girls with, you know, unbalanced hormones are reading your books, Meyer, couldn't you at least give them a strong, independent heroine?
Imagine what a young, inexperienced Twilight fan who admires characters from books could do if her boyfriend leaves her:
Fan: "Oh, what do I do? My boyfriend's left me! Oh, I know! Bella went cliff-diving when Edward left her, so I might as well do that too!"
And what? The next day, a thirteen-year-old Twilight fan dies??
Let's compare this to Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter.
Ginny had a major crush on Harry in the second book, and yet she was too shy to approach him. In fact, Hermione later revealed to Harry that Ginny had never quite given up on him, even when Harry and Cho got together.
Did Ginny jump off the Astronomy Tower when she found out Harry fancied Cho?
No, she didn't!
Now, let's compare Bella with Hermione, shall we?
When Ron left Harry and Hermione in book 7, what did Hermione do? She "cried for weeks", according to Harry, but she didn't go and deliberately get herself caught by the Death Eaters or anything, did she?
No, she didn't!
My point is, both Ginny and Hermione carried on with their lives even after their love life had crumbled.
What Bella did wasn't just careless and stupid, but it was also selfish. What if she'd drowned when she jumped off that cliff? How would her parents feel about it? Didn't she think about them at all? Was Edward the only one she was thinking of?
Imagine what would have happened if Ginny had jumped off the Astronomy Tower when Harry and Cho got together -- Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and the rest of the Weasley family would surely be devastated. And imagine what would happen to Harry and Ron's friendship!
Ron: "My one and only sister killed herself because of you!"
Harry: "D'you think I want her to jumjp? She's my friend, too!"
Ron: "I hate you! Avada kedavra!"
Harry: "LOL, I is dead!"
And what would have happened if Hermione had given up and gotten herself killed when Ron left her? Harry wouldn't be able to find the horcruxes and the war would go on until Harry's been killed.
Well, thank goodness Ginny and Hermione were smarter than Bella. I mean, look! Don't these two characters make better role-models than Bella Swan??
Let's go back to our thirteen-year-old heart-broken girl. Let's say she reads Harry Potter instead of Twilight. What would she do if her boyfriend leaves her?
Fan: "Oh, what do I do? My boyfriend's left me! Oh, I know! Ginny didn't give up when Harry got together with Cho, and Hermione didn't give up helping Harry finding the horcruxes when Ron left her -- I should do that, too, and be strong!"
This is just one example of the wrong message SMeyer put in her 'books'. There are a LOT of other bad messages in there (don't get me started...seriously), like
1. Pedophilia (Jacob imprinting on an infant and saying he's destined to fall in love with her)
2. Anti-feminism
3. Abusive relationship (Edward taking out the engine of Bella's truck because he didn't want her to meet her friends...what?)
etc, etc.
I don't just hate it because it's got illogical characters and boring plots and horrible grammar and uselessly long descriptions of how gorgeous Edward is and a Mary Sue for a heroine -- I hate Twilight because of these potentially dangerous messages SMeyer put in the books.
I certainly do NOT want MY children (if I have any) to read this piece of crap disguised as 'literature'. Seriously, for the sake of their young minds, I do not want them to read it.
So people! Why are you guys watching this stuff?? Why are you wasting your money over those books??
Here, Robert Pattison was quoted saying these:
“When you read the book,” says Pattinson, … “it’s like, ‘Edward Cullen was so beautiful I creamed myself.’ I mean, every line is liked that. He’s the most ridiculous person who’s so amazing at everything. I think a lot of actors tried to play that aspect. I just couldn’t do that. And the more I read the script, the more I hated this guy, so that’s how I played him, as a manic-depressive who hates himself. Plus, he’s a 108 year-old virgin so he’s obviously got some issues there.”1
"I read the book and was like “Well this is really dumb, I’ll never ever… This is so pointless going up for the role.”2
Ha-ha. You're great, RPattz. I like you already. 8)
So...the conclusion is:

*sigh* Such was my attempt to convince people to not read this piece of epic failure. If you love your sanity, your children and the civilisation -- well -- become and anti-Twilighter today. 8)
We can still save the Earth, my friends.
Credits: Azrim's Rebuttals, twilightsucks.com
anti twilight,
epic fail,
harry potter,
new moon,
stephenie meyer,
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Let's update this blog. :)
Okay, so, I have this biology exam next Tuesday, but the problem is, I don't feel like studying at all.
We went to Kuantan recently. Pictures later, yeah?
I made up this deal with Ujai. If he spends one hour playing mafia Wars or the PS, he has to finish one chapter from a book. He's reading Philosopher's Stone now. 8D
Nananana. I'm going downstairs.
Okay, so, I have this biology exam next Tuesday, but the problem is, I don't feel like studying at all.
We went to Kuantan recently. Pictures later, yeah?
I made up this deal with Ujai. If he spends one hour playing mafia Wars or the PS, he has to finish one chapter from a book. He's reading Philosopher's Stone now. 8D
Nananana. I'm going downstairs.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Edward Cullen VS John Seward
And I'm telling you now, John Seward wins, hands down.
Guess what? I don't think Bram Stoker wrote any descriptions of Dr. Seward's appearance. At all. And yet, I already like him so much. He is the administrator of an insane asylum not far from Count Dracula's first English home, Carfax Abbey. His old professor is Abraham Van Helsing.
In Dracula, a character named Lucy Westenra was proposed by three men on the same day: Arthur Holmwood, Quincey Morris, and our dashing doctor, John Seward. Lucy accepted Arthur's proposal, but remained friends with her other two suitors.
What made me love Dr. Seward is the way he sacrificed himself for Lucy when the latter fell ill. It's just so tragic and sweet, ya know? Simple, plain fluff~
So Stephenie Meyer dear, obviously you tried too hard. You know how things get awful when you try too hard, don't you? Your oh-so-handsome God-like sparkling Eddiekins is nothing compared to our asylum administrator. 8)
I guess you do suck at writing a love story. My gosh, Dracula isn't even focused on romantic relationships between its characters! It's a horror story, and yet it's got more romance in it...
You DO suck, Stephenie Meyer. Tsk tsk.
Okay, back to my book!! XD
Guess what? I don't think Bram Stoker wrote any descriptions of Dr. Seward's appearance. At all. And yet, I already like him so much. He is the administrator of an insane asylum not far from Count Dracula's first English home, Carfax Abbey. His old professor is Abraham Van Helsing.
In Dracula, a character named Lucy Westenra was proposed by three men on the same day: Arthur Holmwood, Quincey Morris, and our dashing doctor, John Seward. Lucy accepted Arthur's proposal, but remained friends with her other two suitors.
What made me love Dr. Seward is the way he sacrificed himself for Lucy when the latter fell ill. It's just so tragic and sweet, ya know? Simple, plain fluff~
So Stephenie Meyer dear, obviously you tried too hard. You know how things get awful when you try too hard, don't you? Your oh-so-handsome God-like sparkling Eddiekins is nothing compared to our asylum administrator. 8)
I guess you do suck at writing a love story. My gosh, Dracula isn't even focused on romantic relationships between its characters! It's a horror story, and yet it's got more romance in it...
You DO suck, Stephenie Meyer. Tsk tsk.
Okay, back to my book!! XD
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Just look at how dead Yunho's eyes were. Just look at how dead Jae's eyes were. Look at Changmin in the end -- he looked as if he's scared of standing close to Jae.
But there might still be hope for them, I guess... Their 29th single, Break Out!, is set to be released on the 27th of January 2010.
*sigh*sigh*sigh*DBSK, known as Tohoshinki in Japan, have set further activites in Japan as a group for the first time since their last performance at a-nation even with the still ongoing law dispute.
Good news for DBSK fans! Although their group activities have been stopped in Korea, activities in Japan as Tohoshinki will resume as planned. DBSK appeared on Nihon TV's end of the year awards ceremony Best Hit Festival 2009 on the 26th as they were nominated for the Gold Artist Award along with popular Japanese singers such as EXILE and Koda Kumi. The group is also planned to appear on Fuji TV's FNS Kayousai 2009 on December 2nd and have been changing their schedule around to make room for their second appearance on NHK's Kohaku Uta Gassuen, one of Japan's largest end of the year music ceremonies, as well as other end of the year programs.
This will be the first time since their performance at a-nation at the end of the August that they'll be taking on activities. Bigeast, their Japanese fan club, were just as worried as Cassiopeia about DBSK's future as the Japanese media had reported about the dispute as well. Due to request, NHK broadcast a rerun of a Music Japan episode that the group participated in. Ishihara, producer of Music Japan as well as Kohaku blogged, "I know many of you DBSK fans out there must feel insecure in many ways these days. I really hope this rerun makes you happy and we hope to be able to make a second DBSK special in the near future."
Avex, DBSK's Japanese company, also re-confirmed their stance of fully supporting the group and their activities in Japan. Along with TV appearances, their 29th single, BREAK OUT!, is set to release on the 27th of January next year. Fan meetings are also set to occur during the month of January in Kobe, Sendai, and Yokohama.taken from omgkpop.com
Hoping for the best right now...
Other k-pop news: Taemin of SHINee pulak kena H1N1. (=__=) Jonghyun was the one who had it before this. Well, hope you recover soon, kiddo.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Biology class
There's a cheeky dude at the back of biology class. Since us girls always sit in front, the guys were forced to sit at the back. But yeah, there's this one guy. Kalau menjawab, memang cheeky. I don't know which one of those guys yang menjawab, but really... He's always answering things that didn't need answers, and always in a not-so-loud but loud enough voice.
Situation 1:
Sir (regarding biology report): "Sir nak you all stapler siap-siap all the kertas, tapi jgn stapler kat atas je, buat mcm buku. Staple the side, jadi booklet."
Cheeky guy: "Sir, nak bind skali?"
Situation 2:
Sir (telling us about himself as a student): "Sir dulu was the only guy who sat in front among the girls. Tak payah malu2, nak malu ape, kan?"
Cheeky guy (to the other guys): "Eh, jom dok depan!"
Situation 3:
Sir (telling a joke): "Sir dlu skolah kampung -- semua menda join skali, lembu pun ada."
Cheeky guy: "Moo!"
Sir Mahathir's jokes were funny as hell -- another thing to share, I guess.
Regarding YouTube:
Sir: "I always search for things like amoeba or contractile vacuoles to watch on YouTube. Bila anak Sir mai, dia tanya, 'Pak, apa tuh??', Sir jawab, 'Paramecium...!'. Dia tanya lagi, 'Apa tu pak??'. Sir jawab... 'Paramecium! Dia boleh kalahkan...Naruto!' "
Regarding Lysosome:
Sir: "So the function of lysosome in a cell is to digest food particles or dead organelles."
Sir: *draws a circle with chlamydomonas inside a cel* *draws another circle near it, the lysosome*
Sir: "Apa si chlamydomonas ni buat bila dia nampak lysosome dah mai dekat dia? Nak mati dah ni."
Class: "Dia mengucap!"
Sir: "Aah, betul. Dia mengucap. Lain? Dia buat apa lagi?"
Class: *doesn't know the answer*
Sir: "...Dia campak handphone dia keluar, kasi selamat daripada lysosome."
*draws handphone being thrown out of cell*
Like seriously, WTH campak handphone keluar?? XD
Haha, yeah.
Situation 1:
Sir (regarding biology report): "Sir nak you all stapler siap-siap all the kertas, tapi jgn stapler kat atas je, buat mcm buku. Staple the side, jadi booklet."
Cheeky guy: "Sir, nak bind skali?"
Situation 2:
Sir (telling us about himself as a student): "Sir dulu was the only guy who sat in front among the girls. Tak payah malu2, nak malu ape, kan?"
Cheeky guy (to the other guys): "Eh, jom dok depan!"
Situation 3:
Sir (telling a joke): "Sir dlu skolah kampung -- semua menda join skali, lembu pun ada."
Cheeky guy: "Moo!"
Sir Mahathir's jokes were funny as hell -- another thing to share, I guess.
Regarding YouTube:
Sir: "I always search for things like amoeba or contractile vacuoles to watch on YouTube. Bila anak Sir mai, dia tanya, 'Pak, apa tuh??', Sir jawab, 'Paramecium...!'. Dia tanya lagi, 'Apa tu pak??'. Sir jawab... 'Paramecium! Dia boleh kalahkan...Naruto!' "
Regarding Lysosome:
Sir: "So the function of lysosome in a cell is to digest food particles or dead organelles."
Sir: *draws a circle with chlamydomonas inside a cel* *draws another circle near it, the lysosome*
Sir: "Apa si chlamydomonas ni buat bila dia nampak lysosome dah mai dekat dia? Nak mati dah ni."
Class: "Dia mengucap!"
Sir: "Aah, betul. Dia mengucap. Lain? Dia buat apa lagi?"
Class: *doesn't know the answer*
Sir: "...Dia campak handphone dia keluar, kasi selamat daripada lysosome."
*draws handphone being thrown out of cell*
Like seriously, WTH campak handphone keluar?? XD
Haha, yeah.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
1) The Adventures of Pip and Na
2) The Letters Under the Pillow
3) The Socks
I dislike Christopher Chant as an adult. He's arrogant.
It has been a long week. Blargh. Tak abis lagi pon, still got tomorrow one.
I'm having the room all to myself today and tomorrow. Nananananana~~~~~!!
Kinokuniya best best. 8D
Sir Mahathir = FTW. A seriously great and funny lecturer.
I ate mihun sup just now for lunch. BOOYAH! Last night's craving for something soupy has been fulfilled.
I dreamt about the handsomest schoolmate I have ever had for two nights in a row. Hahaha apekebendenye nih weiii. XD
OK I think I'll go back to my room now. But I dunno what I want to do after that. Tido je la.
P/S: Malam tadi tak makan ubat. Lupa.
2) The Letters Under the Pillow
3) The Socks
I dislike Christopher Chant as an adult. He's arrogant.
It has been a long week. Blargh. Tak abis lagi pon, still got tomorrow one.
I'm having the room all to myself today and tomorrow. Nananananana~~~~~!!
Kinokuniya best best. 8D
Sir Mahathir = FTW. A seriously great and funny lecturer.
I ate mihun sup just now for lunch. BOOYAH! Last night's craving for something soupy has been fulfilled.
I dreamt about the handsomest schoolmate I have ever had for two nights in a row. Hahaha apekebendenye nih weiii. XD
OK I think I'll go back to my room now. But I dunno what I want to do after that. Tido je la.
P/S: Malam tadi tak makan ubat. Lupa.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Yeah, sankyu Along!
She found Pinhoe Egg and bought it for meh.
I want to read it! ;A;
It'd be fun cuz it's about Cat~
I want to read it! ;A;
It'd be fun cuz it's about Cat~
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
I was told many times
...that being in college, you will miss the luxury of having a kitchen and ingredients to cook when you're hungry at 2 in the morning. So just now, I decided that I was hungry and that I was going to cook something, since I'd be in college once more pretty soon.
Misfortune found me when I approached the final stage (which was, in this case, frying the chopped onions, boiled potatoes, mushrooms, and chopped chillies) -- I accidentally let go of the plate containing the ingredients and it shattered on the floor, sending mushrooms and chopped onions and chillies in all directions all over the floor. D:
I cleaned that up, and started the chopping process all over again.
Right now the spiciness of that dish has left my tongue, and I am, thankfully, satisfied. :)
Misfortune found me when I approached the final stage (which was, in this case, frying the chopped onions, boiled potatoes, mushrooms, and chopped chillies) -- I accidentally let go of the plate containing the ingredients and it shattered on the floor, sending mushrooms and chopped onions and chillies in all directions all over the floor. D:
I cleaned that up, and started the chopping process all over again.
Right now the spiciness of that dish has left my tongue, and I am, thankfully, satisfied. :)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Chrestomanci rocks. Especially Christopher Chant. 8) Oh, and Throgmorten of course!! XD
I would very much like to know what I would do if I have a boyfriend. Hmm...
Pillow's pillowcase is getting kelabu around the head. Need to change it lah.
UIA in 2 weeks. Nice, nice new shoes. 8D
Settle subjects this Wednesday. Er. Tomorrow. Yeah.
Gotta try to sleep early today. It's already 12:27am though. D:
Haha, I added someone's awek on Facebook just to nose about. XD
Yes, I can hear you, Yoochun. (Paradise intro: Yoochun whispers 'Can you hear me?' in the beginning. Random moment, lol).
Ain Zubaidah left for Egypt to do...dentistry. Hurm. Amazing.
Twilight sucks and we're in it for the lulz. ;)
Someone's smote someone three times earlier yesterday. Hmm. ~_^
Oh yes, I discovered two kittens in the drain kat blakang rumah yesterday kot. One was really garang and hissing and stuff. But the other one, at the time of discovery, was so shocked and scared, it was literally like this: O____O. LOLOLOL.
Oooh, I eavesdropped on Ujai's conversation when I was in the bathroom. I think it's a girl. X)
I watched Toy Story I & II yesterday on YouTube. It was fun! A third movie is coming out on June 18, 2010. Check this out, it's so cool~
I would very much like to know what I would do if I have a boyfriend. Hmm...
Pillow's pillowcase is getting kelabu around the head. Need to change it lah.
UIA in 2 weeks. Nice, nice new shoes. 8D
Settle subjects this Wednesday. Er. Tomorrow. Yeah.
Gotta try to sleep early today. It's already 12:27am though. D:
Haha, I added someone's awek on Facebook just to nose about. XD
Yes, I can hear you, Yoochun. (Paradise intro: Yoochun whispers 'Can you hear me?' in the beginning. Random moment, lol).
Ain Zubaidah left for Egypt to do...dentistry. Hurm. Amazing.
Twilight sucks and we're in it for the lulz. ;)
Someone's smote someone three times earlier yesterday. Hmm. ~_^
Oh yes, I discovered two kittens in the drain kat blakang rumah yesterday kot. One was really garang and hissing and stuff. But the other one, at the time of discovery, was so shocked and scared, it was literally like this: O____O. LOLOLOL.
Oooh, I eavesdropped on Ujai's conversation when I was in the bathroom. I think it's a girl. X)
I watched Toy Story I & II yesterday on YouTube. It was fun! A third movie is coming out on June 18, 2010. Check this out, it's so cool~
LOL at Buzz. Haha.
I think that's it. :)
I think that's it. :)
diana wynne jones,
to story 3
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
A miracle happened tonight.
Well, not really, but ftw!
I updated Coincidence or Destiny? after abandoning it for one freakin year~! 8D
I really dunno what made me do it. Hmm. I was reading The Lives of Christopher Chant (which, by the way, is a kick-ass awesome book, unlike some sparkly Meyerpire fluff-fail novel *hint*hint*), and that probably made me sit down and continue chapter 36. Hehe. Well yea.
One more great update is that I finally know how to end that blasted fanfic! Yay me! 8D No seriously, I started it around, what, 2006? After PMR. Darn, that's a long time ago, yeah. I just have to remember that ending, because I doubt I'll be writing it anytime soon.
So yeah. Le GASP. XD
Well, not really, but ftw!
I updated Coincidence or Destiny? after abandoning it for one freakin year~! 8D
I really dunno what made me do it. Hmm. I was reading The Lives of Christopher Chant (which, by the way, is a kick-ass awesome book, unlike some sparkly Meyerpire fluff-fail novel *hint*hint*), and that probably made me sit down and continue chapter 36. Hehe. Well yea.
One more great update is that I finally know how to end that blasted fanfic! Yay me! 8D No seriously, I started it around, what, 2006? After PMR. Darn, that's a long time ago, yeah. I just have to remember that ending, because I doubt I'll be writing it anytime soon.
So yeah. Le GASP. XD
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Ahmad Park Jaebeom/Hope
I think it's been a while since I've written anything that's truly worthy of your attention. Heheh. So I'm gonna write something today. Yeay.
Ahmad Park Jaebeom (APJ) a.k.a. Hope

He was an abandoned newborn kitten Abah found last Sunday night (he accidentally kicked it because it was dark and APJ/Hope was too small. Seriously, very small -- tali pusat pun still attached, mata pun tak bukak lagi, rupa pun mcm an overgrown tikus. XD
At first we just left him there, in case the mother returned. But the next day, APJ/Hope was still there, so either Mak or Abah placed it inside a shoe box. We still waited for the mother to come, but it didn't.
So Abah left a piring of susu in the box. Monday night (kot) I went to check on him because he kept on "mew-mew-mew"-ing, cute gile aaaaaaaaaaah. He was soaking wet in the piring that Abah left earlier. Golek2, stuggle2, meow2 in the piring alone! Kesian btol.
So I took one tissue box and cut off the top , placed a lot of tissue papers inside and transferred him there. The tissue papers melekat kat dia cuz he was wet/sticky, and that kinda cleaned him a bit. Then I placed a handkerchief in the box and that was his new home.
Abah and Ujai went to tarawih so I was alone at home (Mak kat UPM), so layan je lah APJ/Hope. Wiped off all the slimy thingies and I tried to cover him with some tissues, but he struggled a lot. Last2 my hand was the best blankie. He stopped stuggling and meowing and I think he fell asleep for a while.
The next day (Tuesday), Mak was going to buy the special milk for APJ/Hope to drink, but then Abah suggested that we go to the vet instead, so we went there. The receptionist asked for a vet (who was passing by) to take a look at APJ/Hope.
She was, like, "Kecik nya! Bila jumpa?" And I told her when, then she asked, "Kasi makan apa?" and I said nothing because we dunno what to feed him, and the vet gave me a stare and said (sarcastically?) "Wah, amazing boleh hidup lagi."
La, are you gonna blame us for not feeding it?? So I told mak, "Vet tadi macam marah je bila Angah gi tau kita tak kasi dia makan apa2..."
Well, if APJ/Hope was our kitten, then the vet had the right to scold us for not taking care of it -- but fyi, our house is like Wad Bersalin Kucing okay. Okay, maybe not exactly Wad Bersalin (maybe Tempat Pelarian/Berak/Dumping Site Anak Kucing, more like). We found APJ/Hope, and we really didn't know what to feed it because it's a friggin' newborn kitten with the tali pusat and everything and it just happened to have a coward for a mother!
tl;dr -- Not our fault.
Tunggu lama jugak, but then it was our turn.
The abang and kakak working there were like, "Alahai, keciknye... Ni timbang pun tak gerak jarum!"
Then the vet (a Chinese guy) came and examined APJ/Hope. He was nicer. He told us that we could take care of it, it needed the special milk, we would have to feed it every two hours, and then we would have to wipe its butt using some wet cotton to stimulate it to go shee-shee or poo-poo (if the mother didn't abandon him, it would be her job to lick him and stuff).
He also told us that even though APJ/Hope seemed healthy, without its mother, chances are he'd die anyway. If we don't take care of it properly, he'd have seizures and that would damage his brain.
So the kakak there filled two rubber gloves with warm water and placed it under the tissue papers in the box to keep APJ/Hope warm. Mak payed RM30, and then we went to a shop dekat2 UPM to buy the milk and the small bottle. Then singgah office Abah to feed it. At this point, APJ/Hope dah tak banyak berbunyik and mcm lemah je.
Then we went back hope. In the car, I thought APJ/Hope had died because his tummy tak turun-naik, like he wasn't breathing or something. But affter a lo~~~ng pause, dia tarik nafas. And then he went still for quite some time. Then he'd inhale.
When we arrived home, I observed the tummy, but it wasn't turun-naik anymore. Still aje. So I lifted APJ/Hope up, and he was stiff.
He died on the way back home. :'(
So Abah took the cangkul and we buried APJ/Hope under the pokok jambu kat depan rumah. I had the chance to visit Junsu and Joongie's graves (Joongie's grave ada tanda, I placed one of the smooth black rocks to mark it, and I also saw the plastic rose). While waiting for Abah to dig the hole, I sniffed APJ/Hope's body.
He smelled like milk. Macam baby. :)
He was a baby. :) A cute one.
Then I noticed that one of his front paws was purple while the other was pink. :( Kenapa yek kaler purple? Hmm...
When Abah had dug the hole deep enough, I placed a tissue paper in it first before placing APJ/Hope into it. Then I covered him with another layer of tissue and Abah began to timbus it with the tanah. When all was done, I placed the plastic rose on his grave...
It's a shame he died. Mak and Abah were going to keep him if he had survived.
Oh well.
About the name:
I named it Park Jaebeom at first, then Mak said, "Mana boleh! Nak nama Islam la."
So I added "Ahmad" kat depan. 8)
But then Mak said his name would be "Hope". It was the name Mak wrote on his vet card, anyway.
Ahmad Park Jaebeom (APJ) a.k.a. Hope

He was an abandoned newborn kitten Abah found last Sunday night (he accidentally kicked it because it was dark and APJ/Hope was too small. Seriously, very small -- tali pusat pun still attached, mata pun tak bukak lagi, rupa pun mcm an overgrown tikus. XD
At first we just left him there, in case the mother returned. But the next day, APJ/Hope was still there, so either Mak or Abah placed it inside a shoe box. We still waited for the mother to come, but it didn't.
So Abah left a piring of susu in the box. Monday night (kot) I went to check on him because he kept on "mew-mew-mew"-ing, cute gile aaaaaaaaaaah. He was soaking wet in the piring that Abah left earlier. Golek2, stuggle2, meow2 in the piring alone! Kesian btol.
So I took one tissue box and cut off the top , placed a lot of tissue papers inside and transferred him there. The tissue papers melekat kat dia cuz he was wet/sticky, and that kinda cleaned him a bit. Then I placed a handkerchief in the box and that was his new home.
Abah and Ujai went to tarawih so I was alone at home (Mak kat UPM), so layan je lah APJ/Hope. Wiped off all the slimy thingies and I tried to cover him with some tissues, but he struggled a lot. Last2 my hand was the best blankie. He stopped stuggling and meowing and I think he fell asleep for a while.
The next day (Tuesday), Mak was going to buy the special milk for APJ/Hope to drink, but then Abah suggested that we go to the vet instead, so we went there. The receptionist asked for a vet (who was passing by) to take a look at APJ/Hope.
She was, like, "Kecik nya! Bila jumpa?" And I told her when, then she asked, "Kasi makan apa?" and I said nothing because we dunno what to feed him, and the vet gave me a stare and said (sarcastically?) "Wah, amazing boleh hidup lagi."
La, are you gonna blame us for not feeding it?? So I told mak, "Vet tadi macam marah je bila Angah gi tau kita tak kasi dia makan apa2..."
Well, if APJ/Hope was our kitten, then the vet had the right to scold us for not taking care of it -- but fyi, our house is like Wad Bersalin Kucing okay. Okay, maybe not exactly Wad Bersalin (maybe Tempat Pelarian/Berak/Dumping Site Anak Kucing, more like). We found APJ/Hope, and we really didn't know what to feed it because it's a friggin' newborn kitten with the tali pusat and everything and it just happened to have a coward for a mother!
tl;dr -- Not our fault.
Tunggu lama jugak, but then it was our turn.
The abang and kakak working there were like, "Alahai, keciknye... Ni timbang pun tak gerak jarum!"
Then the vet (a Chinese guy) came and examined APJ/Hope. He was nicer. He told us that we could take care of it, it needed the special milk, we would have to feed it every two hours, and then we would have to wipe its butt using some wet cotton to stimulate it to go shee-shee or poo-poo (if the mother didn't abandon him, it would be her job to lick him and stuff).
He also told us that even though APJ/Hope seemed healthy, without its mother, chances are he'd die anyway. If we don't take care of it properly, he'd have seizures and that would damage his brain.
So the kakak there filled two rubber gloves with warm water and placed it under the tissue papers in the box to keep APJ/Hope warm. Mak payed RM30, and then we went to a shop dekat2 UPM to buy the milk and the small bottle. Then singgah office Abah to feed it. At this point, APJ/Hope dah tak banyak berbunyik and mcm lemah je.
Then we went back hope. In the car, I thought APJ/Hope had died because his tummy tak turun-naik, like he wasn't breathing or something. But affter a lo~~~ng pause, dia tarik nafas. And then he went still for quite some time. Then he'd inhale.
When we arrived home, I observed the tummy, but it wasn't turun-naik anymore. Still aje. So I lifted APJ/Hope up, and he was stiff.
He died on the way back home. :'(
So Abah took the cangkul and we buried APJ/Hope under the pokok jambu kat depan rumah. I had the chance to visit Junsu and Joongie's graves (Joongie's grave ada tanda, I placed one of the smooth black rocks to mark it, and I also saw the plastic rose). While waiting for Abah to dig the hole, I sniffed APJ/Hope's body.
He smelled like milk. Macam baby. :)
He was a baby. :) A cute one.
Then I noticed that one of his front paws was purple while the other was pink. :( Kenapa yek kaler purple? Hmm...
When Abah had dug the hole deep enough, I placed a tissue paper in it first before placing APJ/Hope into it. Then I covered him with another layer of tissue and Abah began to timbus it with the tanah. When all was done, I placed the plastic rose on his grave...
It's a shame he died. Mak and Abah were going to keep him if he had survived.
Oh well.
About the name:
I named it Park Jaebeom at first, then Mak said, "Mana boleh! Nak nama Islam la."
So I added "Ahmad" kat depan. 8)
But then Mak said his name would be "Hope". It was the name Mak wrote on his vet card, anyway.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Something interesting.
Forum: 667 Dark Avenue
Author: Felix --Subject to Change
Topic: Hypnagogia and Sleep Paralysis
(Read 36 times)
Author: tk
Topic: Re: Hypnagogia and Sleep Paralysis
(Reply #1 on Sept 11, 2009, 7:58pm)
Hmm. Scientific explanation! 8)
From wikipedia:
Indeed, this one caught my attention. It's interesting, but I'm can't say I'm surprised. Felix would probably face confusion when she looks for answers as to why these things happen to her, but I should probably just shut up about it, eh? XD
Author: Felix --Subject to Change
Topic: Hypnagogia and Sleep Paralysis
(Read 36 times)
I could go find a site related to this, seeing as you guys aren't necessarily going to have any help or stories to relate, but I don't want to join a site in which this topic has been covered over and over and bumped until it drove everyone nuts.
Wikipedia on the subjects, as I think, despite some incredibility, it can give you a good explanation.
Often caused by stress or narcolepsy. I certainly have the first, but not to a degree that this condition should be normal, I don't think. I don't even have GAD.
So, basically, I'm just gonna start off, and, at the end, give an idea why I started this thread (as it seems premature to say now.
I get hypnagogic/-pompic hallucinations a couple times a month on average, almost always accompanied by sleep paralysis. It varies where some months there are none, and others it happens multiple times a week.
So, usually, I:
-sleep paralysis, obviously
-can open eyes, perhaps move wrists, ankles, neck
-feel a pressure down on my chest and/or pushing me sideways out of my bed
-am completely and utterly terrified
-panic and try to scream. can't open mouth, and sometimes gnash teeth until I can (read:until it wears off)
-hear noises, such as whispers, whistling, bumps, crashes
-know someone is there (no, no one is there unless these hallucinations are something else, but it is a state of knowing, not thinking)
And if I'm lucky:
-I can see a shadow figure standing near my bed. Always a male presence
-They talk to me... even better, very rare
-More wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_pe...ations
-I can hear random, but distinct voices
-Someone is choking me, or pinning my shoulders with their hands
-I'm about a thousand times more scared
In either case:
-I can't control it
-I'm sad, but relieved, when it ends
-I went to sleep again.
Oh, and once a very, very odd zombie-like dog was sitting at the foot of my bed. That was weird, but not accompanied by paralysis or panic, so I just hid my head, knowing I was just seeing it, and went back to sleep.
So, you guys:
-Have you ever, or do you regularly have these experiences?
-If so, what are your symptoms/what are they like?
-Any suggestions on how to prolong or induce them- anything from teas to mental exercise to gemstones, but let's stay away from the illegal things that are inevitably helpful, as I don't know how much mods would appreciate it.
If you want to know why I want to do this, as I keep saying it terrifies me...
-I love the adrenaline rush the fear gives me
-It releases my stress. I don't know why, but it makes me really giddy and happy. *
-I want to talk to my hallucination, and I never get to. Either I can't talk, he won't respond, or both. II want to see what it is and how my mind made it. And I'm obsessed with fantasy, so devil, guide, or simple hallucination, I'm interested.
That said, go ahead you guys. I'd love any reply, I think. I love learning about this stuff, and what's normal verses unique, and especially, like I requested, how to make it happen without taking illegal substances, intentionally losing sleep, or causing stress.
Author: tk
Topic: Re: Hypnagogia and Sleep Paralysis
(Reply #1 on Sept 11, 2009, 7:58pm)
Hm. Your post really, really caught my attention, probably because this is the first time someone else admits to having experienced these things. I've experience some of them, although I don't anymore and I am thankful for that.
-I used to be able to open my eyes but can't move
-felt terrified and panicked
-always tried to scream, but can't. at times I think I did scream but no one could hear me.
-felt like someone was holding/pinning me down
Sometimes stuff could get way awful, like
-hearing deep voices
-seeing things
Once I was visited by an old grandma who sat on a chair near my bed. I was convinced that it was a dream until her head suddenly disappeared and she got up and pinned me down so I couldn't move, and those symptoms (felt terrified, can open eyes but can't move, can't scream, etc.) occurred. When I could finally move I didn't want to go back to sleep.
And oftentimes those 'voices' or creatures would try to make me fly with them (often by pulling my legs up into the air first...well, at least it felt like someone was doing that). At this point I'd have to really really struggle to keep my eyes open and try to not to fall asleep again, because each time I felt like closing my eyes, 'they' would tug harder.
I just remembered that I wrote that one down in my diary. The entry was dated 5/4/07, and it sounds like this:Dear Diary-sama,
You know how I sometimes woke up in the middle of the night only to find that my body's all numb, right? Well, this time, it felt like someone was lifting my legs.
There were times when even a simple short nap could trigger this stuff. I hated that.
Although I really can't help you on how to make it happen because I really dunno how and because I really don't want it to happen to me again.
Hmm. Scientific explanation! 8)
From wikipedia:
Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain awakes from a REM state (Rapid eye movement [REM0 sleep is a normal stage of sleep characterised by the rapid movement of the eyes), but the body paralysis persists.
This leaves the person fully conscious, but unable to move. The paralysis can last from several seconds to several minutes "after which the individual may experience panic symptoms and the realization that the distorted perceptions were false".
Indeed, this one caught my attention. It's interesting, but I'm can't say I'm surprised. Felix would probably face confusion when she looks for answers as to why these things happen to her, but I should probably just shut up about it, eh? XD
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
It's that time of the year again!
Yeeaaahh...puasa!! XD
Man, everything came and went just like that...and Ramadhan's here already. Meh. I didn't go to tarawih. :P Maybe I should... Yeah.
So, happy puasa people! 8)
Man, everything came and went just like that...and Ramadhan's here already. Meh. I didn't go to tarawih. :P Maybe I should... Yeah.
So, happy puasa people! 8)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Fairy Tales? I don't think so.
What comes to your mind when I say, "fairy tales"?
Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc. Right?
Well, right now I'm reading The Complete Illustrated Fairy Tales of The Brothers Grimm (also juggling Twilight, HP Prisoner of Azkaban, and HP Deathly Hallows). If you dunno who the Brothers Grimm were, well...simply put that they were two German siblings who collected and published folk tales and fairy tales. Anyway...there are loads of stories in here, two hundred and ten in total!
I've been skipping from one story to another -- because where's the fun in reading in an orderly manner? -- and I must say...I don't think I'll read ALL of those stories to my kids (if I have any, lolz) and I most certainly won't let them read the book before they're mature enough. Seriously, some of the stories are just...plain...creepy. O_o
But I read them, anyway. Because it's creepy and interesting.
One of the stories is called The Juniper Tree.
I know, sick, right?
When I read the part where the boy's head got cut off, I was like, "... O_O."
There's another creepy story that could've been in Criminal Minds -- seriously! -- it's called The Robber Bridegroom. Sounds interesting, right? What's more interesting is this:
Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc. Right?
Well, right now I'm reading The Complete Illustrated Fairy Tales of The Brothers Grimm (also juggling Twilight, HP Prisoner of Azkaban, and HP Deathly Hallows). If you dunno who the Brothers Grimm were, well...simply put that they were two German siblings who collected and published folk tales and fairy tales. Anyway...there are loads of stories in here, two hundred and ten in total!
I've been skipping from one story to another -- because where's the fun in reading in an orderly manner? -- and I must say...I don't think I'll read ALL of those stories to my kids (if I have any, lolz) and I most certainly won't let them read the book before they're mature enough. Seriously, some of the stories are just...plain...creepy. O_o
But I read them, anyway. Because it's creepy and interesting.
One of the stories is called The Juniper Tree.
The Juniper Tree
There was once a married couple who always wanted a child. The wife knew that she was about to die, so she requested his husband to bury her under the juniper tree that they had outside their house. The wife then gave birth to a boy, and died.
The husband remarried, and his new wife gave birth to a girl named Marlinchen.
The stepmother didn't like the boy, because if her husband died, the boy would inherit all the fortune. She wanted Marlinchen to get the fortune instead. (Cue Evil-Step-Mom Theme Song!)
So one day, when the boy was at school, Marlinchen said to her mother, "Mother, can I have an apple?"
Her mother took out an apple from a chest and gave it to her. Then she asked:
"Will you not give an apple to my brother too?"
Her mother became angry, took the apple and keep it in the chest again. "I will, when he comes back from school."
So when the boy came home, the stepmother asked, "Do you want an apple?"
"Yes, please."
The stepmother opened the chest and pointed at the apple. "Take it from the chest."
The boy leaned down to take the apple, and the stepmother quickly slammed the chest close so that the boy's head, err, got cut off. Yeah.
After that the stepmother became scared and did not want the father to know that she did it. So she took out a handkerchief, tied the boy's head to the neck, placed the boy's body outside on a chair and put an apple in his dead hand.
Marlinchen then came to her mother and said, "Brother is sitting outside with an apple in his hand, but he wouldn't speak a word."
"Go and ask him for the apple," said the mother, "and if he doesn't reply, box/punch his ear."
Marlinchen did what her mother told her, and when her brother didn't reply, she boxed his ear and his head fell off! Scared, she ran back to her mother and cried and cried.
"What have you done, Marlinchen?" said the mother. "Quick, bring the body into the kitchen."
And so the stepmother, err, cut him up into pieces and cooked him. Yep. She made some black pudding out of him.
When the father came back home, he asked where his son was. And being the stupid -- err -- and because he trusted his new wife, he believed her when she said his son was out visiting his great uncle and would stay there for a few days. The father then asked why Marlinchen was crying non-stop, but she did not reply, so he began to eat the -- eww -- black pudding and said that it was, err, delicious. So he ate and ate all of it. Yep. Him alone.
The father threw the bones from the black pudding under the table and Marlinchen collected them, wrapped them in a silk handkerchief, and burried it under the juniper tree outside. Then she cried some more.
Quite suddenly, a bird flew from the tree and began to sing before it flew away. When Marlinchen looked again, she found that the handkerchief was not there anymore, and happy at the thought of his brother being sorta...well...resurrected, I guess... (...) she went back into the house.
The bird, however, flew to the town and sang to several people:
'My mother she killed me,
My father he ate me,
My sister, little Marlinchen,
Gathered together all my bones,
Tied them in a silken handkerchief,
Laid them beneath the juniper tree,
Kywitt, kywitt, what a beautiful bird am I!'
After listening this, those people wanted to listen to it again because it was such a nice song (and perhaps they really didn't mind the disturbing lyrics...at all.). The bird requested some stuff from each of them, and then it sang the song again.
The goldsmith gave it a gold chain, the shoe maker gave it a pair of red shoes, and the millers gave it a millerstone.
Then the red-and-green bird flew back to the father's house and began to sing the song again.
'My mother she killed me,
My father he ate me,
My sister, little Marlinchen,
Gathered together all my bones,
Tied them in a silken handkerchief,
Laid them beneath the juniper tree,
Kywitt, kywitt, what a beautiful bird am I!'
The father said it was such a nice song, but the stepmother hated it. She began to close her eyes and ears. The father then went out to look at the bird, and the bird dropped the goldchain and it fell around the father's neck nicely, and he was happy.
The bird sang the song again and Marlinchen went out to look at the bird, but the stepmother said she felt like the house was shaking and was on fire. The bird then dropped the red shoes and Marlinchen was happy.
At last the stepmother went out to look at the bird, too, and the bird dropped the millstone on her and crushed her flat to death. When the father and Marlinchen turned to look, all they saw was a burst of flame, and when it went out, the boy was standing there. He took his father and Marlinchen by the hand, and took them inside to eat dinner.THE END!
I know, sick, right?
When I read the part where the boy's head got cut off, I was like, "... O_O."
There's another creepy story that could've been in Criminal Minds -- seriously! -- it's called The Robber Bridegroom. Sounds interesting, right? What's more interesting is this:
'Turn back, turn back, young maiden dear,
This a murderer's house you enter here!'
This a murderer's house you enter here!'
Just to make stuff creepier, add in a creepy old lady in the creepy old house in the middle of a creepy forest into the story. XD
Definitely not the type of stories I'd tell my children before they go to bed...
But it's definitely better than a story about some sparkling vampire, a Mary Sue, and their forbidden love, eh? 8D
Definitely not the type of stories I'd tell my children before they go to bed...
But it's definitely better than a story about some sparkling vampire, a Mary Sue, and their forbidden love, eh? 8D
Friday, August 14, 2009
Or Twitard or Twerds or whatever it is that you wish to call them. You know, rabid fans of the books Twilight. I just found this site, twilightsucks.com, and some of the memebers of this site had encountered rabid fans who would seriously attack you if they heard you criticising Stephenie Meyer's books. Seriously...
But first of all, I'd like to point out that not ALL Twilight fans are vicious. The ones that I'm talking about are the rabid fans, who get insulted just because other people don't think Twilight is amusing. I mean, we're allowed to have opinions, right? Wrong. Not to them. Not if we're saying Twilight sucks.
The most common excuse Twitards give us is, "They probably haven't even read the books or watch the movie!"
But we have read the books, and we have watched the movie.
Twilight still sucks.
Anyway, back to what I was saying: some of those attacks are seriously serious. Some are even police-worthy, you know.
One Anti-Twilight actually broke three of her toes because a rabid fangirl stomped on her foot in the bookstore. The Anti just entered the bookstore and shook her head as she saw fans gathering around the bookshelves where the Twilight books were on display. Then three girls approached her and one of them asked, "So you don't like Twilight?" and the Anti said she didn't find it amusing, and one of them actually stomped on her foot.
Of course the security guard was called and the girl's family had to pay for the Anti's broken toes. :D
Another guy (yes, a GUY) got attacked in the library...he was walking towards the Young Adult section and saw the display of the Twilight Saga there. He just shook his head. One librarian asked him if he liked the books and when he said no, the librarian seemed impressed since she didn't like it either. Then when the guy reached the Classic section, a girl suddenly threw a hard-cover book at him, saying, "You don't like Twilight? Why don't you like Twilight??" Then she started to lose her mind and threw more books at the poor guy. Two librarians had to stop her and the guy just quickly took off. XD
The stories are fun to read, really (but some of them are made up just to impress people. The staff members of the site would judge the stories posted there -- if it seems believable, they'd put it on. If not, they'd put it under the 'BS' section. XDD). It's amusing how they'd defend Twilight and Stephenie Meyer. Twilight is a sacred book and Meyer is a goddess, they say. lol.
But first of all, I'd like to point out that not ALL Twilight fans are vicious. The ones that I'm talking about are the rabid fans, who get insulted just because other people don't think Twilight is amusing. I mean, we're allowed to have opinions, right? Wrong. Not to them. Not if we're saying Twilight sucks.
The most common excuse Twitards give us is, "They probably haven't even read the books or watch the movie!"
But we have read the books, and we have watched the movie.
Twilight still sucks.
Anyway, back to what I was saying: some of those attacks are seriously serious. Some are even police-worthy, you know.
One Anti-Twilight actually broke three of her toes because a rabid fangirl stomped on her foot in the bookstore. The Anti just entered the bookstore and shook her head as she saw fans gathering around the bookshelves where the Twilight books were on display. Then three girls approached her and one of them asked, "So you don't like Twilight?" and the Anti said she didn't find it amusing, and one of them actually stomped on her foot.
Of course the security guard was called and the girl's family had to pay for the Anti's broken toes. :D
Another guy (yes, a GUY) got attacked in the library...he was walking towards the Young Adult section and saw the display of the Twilight Saga there. He just shook his head. One librarian asked him if he liked the books and when he said no, the librarian seemed impressed since she didn't like it either. Then when the guy reached the Classic section, a girl suddenly threw a hard-cover book at him, saying, "You don't like Twilight? Why don't you like Twilight??" Then she started to lose her mind and threw more books at the poor guy. Two librarians had to stop her and the guy just quickly took off. XD
The stories are fun to read, really (but some of them are made up just to impress people. The staff members of the site would judge the stories posted there -- if it seems believable, they'd put it on. If not, they'd put it under the 'BS' section. XDD). It's amusing how they'd defend Twilight and Stephenie Meyer. Twilight is a sacred book and Meyer is a goddess, they say. lol.
anti twilight,
stephenie meyer,
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